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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
Modificato da Maddmunkey: 1/14/2025 11:38:22 PM

62 class items, 560 strikes, 41 hours farming, 3362 strange coin

Ok... I've been farming for one specific class item loadout since class items came out. Since focusing came out I have attempted to focus both attributes I'm looking for. I have 62 class items. I have dismantled at least another 20. I STILL DON'T HAVE THE ONE I'M TRYING TO FARM FOR. FOCUSING CLASS ITEMS IS A LIE OR RNG GATE IS AFFECTING CLASS ITEMS. You can't tell me that in 82 mfin attempts in getting one specific version of the class items is not enough to GET THAT FREAKING ONE VERSION?!? That would be at least 3362 strange coin... or 560 strikes or 41 hours of Pale Heart farming Dude this is too damn much to get items in this game. This kinda breaks me. oh and if I want to experiment with the different ones I do have that's a huge chunk of my vault space.



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  • [quote]You can't tell me that in 82 mfin attempts in getting one specific version of the class items is not enough to GET THAT FREAKING ONE VERSION?!?[/quote]The "R" in "RNG" stands for "Random." You shouldn't expect a coin flip to land on heads next if it landed on tails.



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