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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
Modificato da Maddmunkey: 1/14/2025 11:38:22 PM

62 class items, 560 strikes, 41 hours farming, 3362 strange coin

Ok... I've been farming for one specific class item loadout since class items came out. Since focusing came out I have attempted to focus both attributes I'm looking for. I have 62 class items. I have dismantled at least another 20. I STILL DON'T HAVE THE ONE I'M TRYING TO FARM FOR. FOCUSING CLASS ITEMS IS A LIE OR RNG GATE IS AFFECTING CLASS ITEMS. You can't tell me that in 82 mfin attempts in getting one specific version of the class items is not enough to GET THAT FREAKING ONE VERSION?!? That would be at least 3362 strange coin... or 560 strikes or 41 hours of Pale Heart farming Dude this is too damn much to get items in this game. This kinda breaks me. oh and if I want to experiment with the different ones I do have that's a huge chunk of my vault space.



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  • Maybe Bungie could retain the RNG but also implement a ‘guarantee’. eg After focusing ❎❎ (what’s a high but ‘reasonable to Bungie’ number? 50? 60?) exotic engrams the next one let’s the player select both perks. That would then reset the guarantee, so it’s all down to RNG again for the next 50 (or whatever). That leaves the RNG in place but means that players know that every trash drop is one step closer to getting what they want.



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  • [quote]You can't tell me that in 82 mfin attempts in getting one specific version of the class items is not enough to GET THAT FREAKING ONE VERSION?!?[/quote]The "R" in "RNG" stands for "Random." You shouldn't expect a coin flip to land on heads next if it landed on tails.



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    8 Risposte
    • I feel you. Not as many as you, but 20+/- auto rifles from Vesper’s and not one with Jolting Feedback. That’s farming and focusing. I honestly think they intentionally made the drops worst because the player base busted them again with their B.S. with the perk pool crap. It has BEEN that way for years. It was NOT a recent issue. Now because of being called out, Bungie says…oh we fixed the “bug”. It was not a bug. They made it worse. Now watch, they are going to come out soon and say, oh another “bug” was affecting the drops. And before anyone comes here with the same old tired “RNG” argument. It is a FACT that there is NO SUCH thing as “RANDOM” in computer programming. It is in FACT a mathematical formula made to APPEAR as being random but it’s not.



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    • In the world of true RNG, you might never get it. That's part of what Bungie never seemed to get, that at some point you need roll protection. A knockout list. Something to keep the poor unlucky guy who spends the rest of the game's existence trying and not getting it.



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    • This is why we should be able to use ciphers to swap out the exotic traits of exotic class items. If not ciphers then add glass needles from D1 back as a new currency to do this to Xur.



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      1 Rispondi
      • I’m looking for the Titan mark with abyant and scars I’ve gotten abyant and armamentarium one five times in a row



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      • That's very interesting! . For the longest time I've tracked the number of Chests I have opened in the Pale Heart in relation to them dropping the Exotic Class Item. . Would you like to see the data?



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        6 Risposte
        • That's ridiculous, what are you after??



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