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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
1/12/2025 11:33:33 PM

Twitch Reaction Rewards only gave 150 rep

Aside from the Twitch extension being SO buggy this weekend (it would only work when I reacted twice to a given match. As in react once, wait for the interface to dismiss, then wait for it to reappear and react again), the rank rewards it granted was only 150, whereas normally its 200 base. At one time you'd get 400 for a bonus rank weekend, but last time, I think it gave 300, so only 50% extra. This time its 25% less.



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  • The twitch bounty is broken and hasnt worked properly for a long time some weeks you clear all 10 emotes without issues and nothing appears in the tower lately, the emote count goes from say for e,g 8 back down 5 I think for me once every 2 or 3 weeks it works



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