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12/5/2024 10:19:21 AM

Needing help again please... Missing stuff f/prismatic things..

I need help, someone helped me before with my Titan and for the life me I cannot find that posting at all so if you could help me again I'd so appreciate it! I have all my supers for my Hunter and Titan but I am missing two of them on my warlock! And I just went through with the teammate playing and I'm missing both the Strand and my arc you could just tell me where they are in the orange swords I would so appreciate it! And the Titan glacial...i know the hammer...but... if you can tell me what items are in each of the orange swords, I'd be sorry appreciative! Thank you!



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  • Modificato da viiTactiiCZz: 12/5/2024 10:24:12 AM
    It should be: Home Part 2 for Darkness Supers - Glacial and Needlestorm The Hollow Part 2 for Light Supers - Stormtrance If you mean Shiver Strike on your Titan then Queens Part 2. You can see if you're missing a prismatic ability from a specific mission by going near the flag and checking if it says 'REWARDS: [prismatic combo style looking icon]' at the bottom of the box.



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