Still too over powered? Still too much of an advantage to have two dashes - in the air, in plain sight - without needing Heat Rises? I mean titans are tanks, right? Tanks that teleport like the Flash, as tanks normally do. Sorry but it makes no sense. If guardians are gonna live the power fantasy Solar Warlock wants in on the PVP Ability+++ meta. I see Warlocks peek “shooting” Song of Flame while Hunters brazenly move to their next enemies at will, and Titans hang in the air without a care in the world tossing relics. Oh my. And I hear Devs switched to Warlock. Seems a bit of a different reality from when they were no hit box hunters. Am I missing something?
Still boggles the mind that the devs fell for the absolute BS that it was overpowered back then.
Warlocks being SLIGHTLY faster than the other 2 classes in a straight line was considered overpowered, and got nerfed hard, as well as the entire subclass, but hunters screwing over your aim assist, disabling tracking projectiles, while reloading their weapons and a host of other broken BS like wormhusk, all in one braindead easy to spam ability, that was on a 6 sec cooldown at the time, available to all hunter subclasses .....was somehow considered ok, for years.
Stupid decisions like this is what lead to everyone playing the easy mode class in pvp and other classes numbers plummeting.
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