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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
11/22/2024 4:18:29 AM

PVE Subclass balance checkup [not including prismatic]

Alright I am going to have opinions first off the reason I am not including prismatic is because I view it as a failure in design that has a poor relationship with the rest of the subclass sandbox as it was designed for specific broken builds and very little else. it will likely be husked out by the end of the year. Although I hold out hope that maybe the abilities and armor team can fix it to be healthy for the game and give it a healthy amount of build diversity. Ok now that is out of the way time for the meat. Here's a tier list it is based off gm viability as gms, as they are the best bar for subclass as if they can function at a high level there they will be good for 90% of the content in the game. they will be rated on overall "subclass utility" what the subclass can specifically offer the team "subclass survivability" how easy it is to prevent death even when in a bad spot "subclass consistency" how easy to operate and maintain the subclasses power "subclass flexibility" how many things can the subclass be made to do "subclass hardiness" how reliant is it on each part of a build ok now that we got that out of the way list time I will explain my reasoning for each rating as this is to help give bungie's ability sandbox team insight on which subclass's parts need to prioritized. A tier: Solar warlock, Void titan ah good old solar warlock and void titan near perfect the only things "holding them back" are well not being song of flame and a lack of void over shield gen on offensive bulwark controlled demolitionist the over shield buff and unbreakable buff is why void titan is on par with with solar warlock now and in some ways it is better than solar warlock B tier: Void hunter, Arc warlock, Void warlock, Solar hunter void hunter: is almost an A tier subclass filled to the brim with utility the thing holding it back is its lack of "proactive support" preventing a teammate from dying a lack of good melee to complement stylish executioner and spectral blades being the worst super in the game arc warlocks: weak points are are a lack of survivability and lighting surge being a slide melee aspect an archetype of aspect that are poison to most subclasses that have them as they have 2 restrictions for use and lacking any additional benefits outside of the new melee option void warlock: has the worst survivability of the void subclasses has chaos accelerant the worst grenade aspect in the game and poor team support outside of rift but it preforms well due to being warlock subclass and has the utility of a high damage super and void soul being a mini tether solar hunter: is actually in a pretty good place it has it also has the greatest access to radiant and has 2 excellent damage supers. for it to be a truly great subclass it needs better survivability outside of healing grenade and dead shot golden gun is one super refund/enhancing exotic away from being one of the best add clear supers in the game due to its unlimited shots as long as you get an ignition C tier: Arc hunter, Strand warlock, Solar titan, Strand titan stasis warlock, Stasis titan, Stasis hunter, arc hunter: struggles from a few things that are shared with arc warlock a lack of survivability and a slide melee aspect the aspect is actually worse then on warlock as it is anti synergistic due to arc hunter wanting to use their melee. also arc staff should make orbs on block that removal of it really hurt viability of blight ranger as its reflect damage is super situational basically only good for tanks also its super refund on block needs a buff as in pve blight ranger struggles to get full refund and actually do something. raijus harness needs to spawn lightning on impact as well. strand warlock: big problem is inconsistency one thing that would help this class out a tone would be making threadlings regardless of how they are made be a grenade for all buffs or perks applicable and lack of survivability outside of the amazing weave walk hurts too solar titan: Is unfortunately a subclass that struggles from a heavy overreliance on exotics to function problem that comes from the original rework and was it changed from a more well rounded if weak subclass to a bonk hammer bot that provides little to no utility or support. to fix this first phoenix cradle needs its perk that allows sunspots to affect allies to be rolled into the base aspect intern give phoenix cradle additional perks for sunspots along with the extra sunspot and sol Invictus duration second give roaring flames gun synergy finally give solar titan more ways to control where sunspots are and how they are made. strand titan: is solar titan on steroids it struggles outside of banner of war into the fray combos even then that combo is rough in gms as the adds can burn you down very fast even when you have it the ability uptime nerfs really hurt any other build option drengars lash needs additional benefits and some of the uptime nerfs should be reverted and suspend duration increased. now for the stasis classes the rework was a pyrrhic victory the stasis classes gained a weak dr but lost a large portion of its strong fragments ala old whisper of fractures and bonds gained an even stronger reliance on the stasis shard aspects stasis warlocks super does poor damage and they all heavily require specific exotics to preform well. D tier: Strand hunter, arc titan arc titan: they both suffers from a lack of good builds and boasts no survivability utility and team support arc titan needs a second form of survivability but it also needs a form of melee regen and knockout should lose its lunge but gain the ability to be refreshed so there is no down time for it. strand hunter: struggles with survivability it needs some of its ability uptime back as the nerfs to suspend really hurt it in pve and threaded specter needs to be buffed to be better at controlling aggro. holly smokes that was a tone of typing well these where my thoughts end hopfully somone at bungie is reading btw good job with the buffs so far ability team more buffs like the ones to void titan pls!



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