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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
Modificato da 変だ_ポカリ: 10/29/2024 12:47:07 PM

Rifts and Rift exotics

we need to talk about rifts, and how bad they are compared to other class ability Once activated, there is no benefit towards the player during the rift animation, hunter dodge will DODGE and move the player physically,and once activated, barricade will place the barricade halfway through the animation, essentially granting you a wall during the animation so you won't get mauled by someone during the gunfight, but a warlock krift? no, good luck trying to place a rift as aggressively as a barricade and getting what you need (healing or devour with secant) as fast as you need it like hunter dodge how can we solve this? make the animation grant 20% MORE damage resist during the animation OR make the animation faster by 40% Although these are just bandages on the real problem which is just warlock rifts in general they should be an AOE effect on the warlock being the center, WITH the above changes too.



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  • Tell me you don't know how to use rift without telling me you don't know how to use rift



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  • The only good way to use a rift in PvP is to lock down lanes from the safety of a corner, making it much easier to win duels since you have either a constant (though painfully slow) heal or a more powerful shot. You could try to use it offensively however unless it is a freezing rift with the specific Stasis Aspect since more often than not you will be killed due to the casting animation locking you in. It would be nice if there was more Damage Resistance or a faster heal/overshield however it probably would be much less fun to play against, as once you have that corner set up then it would be hard to counter for the next 15 seconds.



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    1 Rispondi
    • Since you are talking about PVP (you maybe should state this) I 100% agree. I also think you've come up with good solutions that do not hurt anyone and equalize the playing field a lot more. APPROVED. 🔎📝✔️



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      4 Risposte
      • Well yeah you shouldn't be trying to aggressively place a rift.



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        8 Risposte
        • Homie hasnt tried Sanguine out this season and it shows. Gives crazy dps number if in any rift or well of radiance and gives surges on top of that



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          9 Risposte
          • Rift exotics are also generally the worst thing I have ever seen with the only exception being starfire protocol. Promethium spur has been the most useless warlock exotic since it released, not only have they somehow made it worse than release but also managed to forgot its even in the game.



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