Auto rifle
The nightmare
"My goodness Guardian, you are unstoppable making the opponents have nightmares in their sleep. Ha ha ha I love it!-Lord Shaxx
Weapon type: Stasis
Frame: rapid fire frame
The Nightmare: overtime firing slows down to deal more damage, bullets track opponents. Precision final blows make you invisible with red glowing eyes
Rifle forged barrel: great for long range shooting
Outlaw: final presciosn blows grant faster reloads
Iron sights
Nightmares everywhere: when guardians have the nightmare equipped around you, your stats get stronger
The guardian was in a mission to be the best in the crucible, Shaxx was impressed by the guardian's goal.
"This guardians Ethic is amazing, one of the best guardians I have ever seen in the crucible."
The guardian runs into the whole team of his opponents they all fire at him. He dogdes out of the way. The guardian's teammates here screaming and gun fire....
The guardian's teammates run over to the Guardian... He defeated every single one of them. They all lay in a pile... Defeated, a nightmare for them but a joyous time for Shaxx
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