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8/7/2024 5:32:21 AM

Destiny 2 Account Lost all Character's Progress but Vault's Items were still there

I am wondering if anyone can help me with the aforementioned issues. Logged on on August 4, and all characters were normal. After 8.0.5 update, logged on 12:30am EST August 7, 2024, all characters progress were lost but all vault's items remained intact. Does someone have similar issues after 8.0.5 update?



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  • Hello there[url=],[/url] Unfortunately, Bungie does not restore lost or deleted items or characters. Characters can only be deleted in game by following a series of specific button/key presses and gear requires an elongated button press to delete. The API shows that 3 characters (one with the bulk of the play time) where manually deleted ( [quote][url=]Whether due to accidental deletion or unauthorized account access, Bungie does not recover manually deleted characters or items, and does not replace in-game items that are lost or dismantled.[/url][/quote] If you, personally, did not delete anything then it is recommended that you change [b]all of your passwords, enable 2FA for [u]ALL[/u] linked accounts [/b], and review the [url=]Bungie Account Security Guide [/url]for more tips.



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