Destiny 2 is not played on any servers. You were restricted because players reported you for your poor connection. You may not have seen anything wrong, but clearly other players did.
The first restriction lasts for 2 weeks and if things do not improve on your end, you will be restricted again for 2 months.
See the below links for help.
Just a little question why is Destiny always connecting to destiny servers ?????
Swat The Bot
Bungie fan. Here since 2008 - vecchio
If you're seeing that all the time, then there is an issue with your network. See the below link for help. You may also need to reach out to your ISP. -
No Bungie is the issue everytime after patch or update my network is fine. About destiny servers a little comment without connection to Destiny servers you cant play Destiny
Swat The Bot
Bungie fan. Here since 2008 - vecchio
[quote]No Bungie is the issue everytime after patch or update my network is fine.[/quote] If you say so. 🙄 [quote]About destiny servers a little comment without connection to Destiny servers you cant play Destiny[/quote] Destiny and Destiny 2 are not played on servers, they use a hybrid peer - peer network. The servers are only used to store game data, match players together and other things. Online matches are not played on servers. -
Contacting Destiny servers..............
Thanks 🙏🏼