Hello I greatly enjoy the dual destiny mission and am very willing to help, I am a twitch helps streamer but want to spend some time off stream helping some people please reply here if you need help I may do a long stream to help everyone do do check if I am live. I did attach my twitch but just drop your bungie id bellow
Rassu#6662 i'd like some help when possible
Im back to doing runs
What’s the minimum level required for this mission not to be a liability to you. I am currently at 1970. I think I have this mission unlocked. I saw that beam of light from Savathun. I may be mistaken. Also, what’s the best time to catch you? I may take you on this offer if the things align. Thanks for the info.
Empty queue once again
I’ll upvote this!
Modificato da GildedGengar: 6/16/2024 8:26:58 PMThanks again for the run, Hyenaa. 😊
Wow for the amount of people complaining about bungie requiring two people for this mission, this post is kinda dead. Now is your opportunity everyone, there is someone willing to help you right here right now. No excuses with this one.
vouch, this guy carries hard
another run done
starting runs now
Empty queue once agian
Queue is empty again
Im also helping with the 2 class item trick
Started run will be ready for next person in 40 so please reply with your bungie if you need help
Takes a average of 30-40min
I only have one person who has responded today and no wait
I have literally nothing else going on and will help
Just let me know
The haul from today
im running off stream whoever needs help
A whole sherpa for one mission. That just kinda proves this mission went overboard. Whats next? A post about having a PHD in dual destiny? Lol 😆 🤣
Bump ggs for helping people
lol 21 clears in one stream
If your still running tomorrow im down, its 230 am where im at lol
Nice id like to do it at some point but im only 1950
I kinda like having to use a pen and paper for the second encounter, but god -blam!- did they have to use a tormentor for every boss encounter? The final boss of this thing should have been a burnable straight up boss fight.