Hi there, Thanks for reporting.
This link may be able to help with the issues you are experiencing.
Tried you solutions and it hasn't worked. I've tried them for the last 9 months with no results.
I have tried to login on other accounts on the same computer and network and it works completely fine, without any issue.
But, I've had friends of mine log in to my account on their computers, on their own networks, in completely different countries, and they still get the code cabbage then.
Basically, it is a account based issue, not a networking issue. I have posted about this multiple times, on multiple different forums and have been left ignored every single time. I also tried sending in a "ban-appeal" but I've been left on read there aswell.
I moderatori possono proibire a questo utente di inviare messaggi (saltando la coda delle segnalazioni) selezionando una punizione adeguata.
Ban di 7 giorni
Ban di 7 giorni
Ban di 30 giorni
Ban permanente
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