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Discussioni su Destiny 2.
Modificato da Wolfgang5310: 9/26/2023 11:11:13 PM

Stop With The Nerfs For PvE

So I saw the latest patch was nerfing Weavewalker and "fixing" Whriling Maelstrom. I can understand nerfs being put into the game, but we all know Bungie can make changes to PvE and PvP respectfully. Why are we getting nerfs like these in PvE as well? I have rarely seen buffs for weapons or abilities and instead seen nerfs in their place, yet enemies have been growing stronger more and more to the point where even with Woven Mail and 100 resiliance, I am dying in a few sec. while dealing basically no damage. It has got to the point where I can't even complete hard activities like Legend Nightfalls with friends or stuff like trying to get Catalysts for quest weapons like Vexcalibur or Dead Messanger or completing even 1 run of trying for Wicked Implement. And before anyone says use Divinity or something like that, I haven't been able to get a full group for raids since Forsaken, so I can't even get exotics like that. The fact alone that Divinity is the only way to get a reasonable time to kill on a boss like that is not even close to okay to me. The most fun I have had in this game is when I get to use a new subclass or super for existing ones, or the weapon glitch 2 weeks ago.



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  • Yet again Bungie does a change across the board with the changes to Young Ahamkara's. The grenade energy gain being on kill now makes it worse in both game modes and and Antaeus Wards draining class ability energy is a quite large nerf in PvE as we still have to deal with how long of a cooldown abilities have as bungie refuses to reduce their cooldowns in PvE. That makes these exotics no where near as viable as they were before for PvE and it's all because of PvP as they admitted.



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  • Salt is the main reason for these. It seems whenever he opens his mouth we get a nerf and there is no compromise. Example Starfight protocol, Divinity just two examples that he's moaned about and caused issues for casual players.



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  • They didn't nerf your ability to get peoples to play with ....



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  • Modificato da God Eater: 9/28/2023 11:29:07 PM
    “While dealing no damage”!? I’m pretty sure its you, your set up or a combination of the two. Not sure how players are getting bodied with something like 100 resilience and woven mail together in the game. I literally run around hunting priority targets in gms the moment I have woven mail up. EDIT: Divinity is not required to kill that boss. Killed him with a g horn and rockets in combination with weaken an myself fighting like a mad man on my Titan. It does make it significantly easier though.



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    • This is 100% a skill issue, the game is incredibly easy. The fact that you can put 6 very incompetent players in a raid and they’ll still beat it is foul. Same with GM’s and every other “end game” content. Stop complaining.



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      188 Risposte
      • What else is Bungie suppose to do? Nerfing and buffing things every week is about all they know.



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      • Modificato da Wolfgang5310: 9/28/2023 7:40:31 AM
        Saw this Video by Asmongold and I think this part that I set the video to is a good way to explain this whole thing about nerfs and such coming to the game. I don't mind stuff being difficult because of it being that way, but when we get nerfs on top of that, it can get to the point where difficulty get a bit too high in situations. Witchqueen was in part with this idea for the Legend campaign because for me, those Lightbearers dealt way too much damage during my runs. Honestly, Lightfall was a lot more enjoyable to complete on Legend because the bosses were interesting (Calus was stressful, but so much fun with strand.) and my only issue is the Colossus/two tanks boss with Rohan as it was a way too cramped space to be in with how many mobs there were on top of the tanks and Colossus boss being immune for most of the time while you couldn't use any supers other then Strand until the suppressor was destroyed. Then the subclass you were on lost all of it's super energy upon swapping back. (I know he is talking about WoW, but still.)



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      • Modificato da Jade: 9/28/2023 2:50:30 AM
        I just wish we could use it to pick up Nodes in the Grandmaster. All you can use it for is turning the computer back on after it gets hacked. Other than that you can’t interact with anything.



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      • I struggle to understand how PvP affected these abilities’ nerfs in PvE. The maelstrom thing only had an effect in PvE. The weavewalker change makes sense; it’s a get out of jail free card with the trade off you can’t damage anything. That’s how it’s designed, so small strategies that overlook this design are dealt with. I’m honestly surprised Bungie allows any type of arc soul-like ability to be used while in it.



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        • Modificato da Rainbine 9545: 9/27/2023 11:46:16 PM
          Okay, Did I miss something about the Maelstrom? Cause I honestly don’t know how this isn’t how it’s supposed to be



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          10 Risposte
          • [quote]So I saw the latest patch was nerfing Weavewalker and "fixing" Whriling Maelstrom. I can understand nerfs being put into the game, but we all know Bungie can make changes to PvE and PvP respectfully. Why are we getting nerfs like these in PvE as well? I have rarely seen buffs for weapons or abilities and instead seen nerfs in their place, yet enemies have been growing stronger more and more to the point where even with Woven Mail and 100 resiliance, I am dying in a few sec. while dealing basically no damage. It has got to the point where I can't even complete hard activities like Legend Nightfalls with friends or stuff like trying to get Catalysts for quest weapons like Vexcalibur or Dead Messanger or completing even 1 run of trying for Wicked Implement. And before anyone says use Divinity or something like that, I haven't been able to get a full group for raids since Forsaken, so I can't even get exotics like that. The fact alone that Divinity is the only way to get a reasonable time to kill on a boss like that is not even close to okay to me. The most fun I have had in this game is when I get to use a new subclass or super for existing ones, or the weapon glitch 2 weeks ago.[/quote] The weapon glitch was the best thing to happen with the game in its entire history. It’s what crafting SHOULD be!! Haven’t had that much fun since Red Dead 2 or Witcher III.



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            • Modificato da CORPERATE COMMANDER: 9/27/2023 7:05:37 PM
              Blame the streamers you know which ones I mean since mentioning certain names now results in a ban for harassment iv found out lol one holds a belt for some raids and religiously asks for nerfs shortly after and secondly the die hard pve mains that probably got bored of speed running darksouls that need a video game to measure the size of their xxxxs I mean egos 😆 🤣 the same players that asked for difficulty increase over fun Or blame the pvp mains that cry about abilities in a space game but refuse to play cod or halo for pvp or simply the ones that cry about any ability that kills them . Between them all and bungie they killed of everything even exotics lol to the point that citans became meta a while ago 😅



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              3 Risposte
              • Bungie should be nerfing some of the Hunter abilities…almost impossible to get kills on them in PvP.



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                • Did you know it’s bungies game not yours so they can do what Bungie wants to their game player time and investment means nothing to these companies.



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                • Modificato da Sunburn Seastar: 9/27/2023 5:47:59 PM
                  Sunburn Seastar
                  Sunburn Seastar

                  Lost in Space - vecchio

                  I do think PVP dictates and harms PVE because of the add constraints it adds; however, certain nerfs are necessary because they negate entire portions of the meta. This is because of the sheer difference in power these exotics, abilities, mods, and weapons carry. Previous examples of needed nerfs are: Divinity (probably didn’t do quite enough) and starfire Protocol (went down way too hard); both were exotics that had so much power and utility behind them that no team or build without them wasn’t comparable in terms of effectiveness. This caused them to negated a huge portion of exotics and abilities. It’s not fun and often unfair things get nerfed because you have to recalibrate after their loss. sometimes, being forced to learn new tactics and techniques as well as grind for new equipment and test new builds is often a lot and can be difficult when you are still learning and growing as a player but, by removing the monopoly these items and abilities have they encourage you to explore new builds and tactics that you might enjoy and excel at more than what you were using. Weavewalk wasn’t really all that nerfed because the passive add clear with arc soul and no time to explain were unintentional interactions. the goal of weave walk is to add survivability and defense in an unique way, not to be an invisible deity smiting all opponents subject to your wrath. P.S. I would not recommend staying or getting to attached to sunbracers and Well of radiance; they’re dominating the meta presently and are probably in Bungie’s line of sight for Final shape.



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                  • "Rarely seen buffs in pve" Thats so hypocritical They buff weapons and abilities pretty often in pve. We just tend to notice the nerfs way more than the buffs. Yes a lot of pve nerfs makes no sense But there is a lot of pve buffs nobody are really talking about. As an example i love the new damage values on HC in pve. They feel good to use now.



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                    2 Risposte
                    • Yes, protest to the audience that cant change the game. Keep it up



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                      4 Risposte
                      • Well of Radiance is pointless now. In Altars of Summoning, I got killed by a single Ogre inside the well because the damage of his void beam was higher than the well Health regen. Wellock has been my main super, but now I'm Gonna give Daybreak a try or just give up solar class.



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                        38 Risposte
                        • Divinity is not necessary for clearing wicked implaments quest as you can do it with 3 thunderlords if your team is good. Legend is not difficult all you need to do is actually check modifiers and adjust builds accordingly Not getting raid teams is a you issue, nothing is stopping you from getting raid teams other than yourself.



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                          • I’m just upset about the weavewalk thing because it makes no sense lmao like arc souls I get it but it takes a specific setup to get perched threadlings to come off repeatedly. Also you do less damage with 15 threadling than just like…repeated fire with a sniper, and it takes three melee charges and a damage over time effect meaning you can’t run Monte Carlo. The only thing I see this MAYBE being busted with is dawn chorus with scorch guns and that’s IT



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