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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
Modificato da Guardian4415: 9/22/2023 12:34:41 AM

So you feel bad for Bungie for being DDOS'd?

Why? They literally can do what EVERY company does and pay a fee to a company that prevents DDOS. Literally could pay CloudFlare to stop this, but they won't, cause they have your money already why would they spend some of it on making sure you get the service? [quote]BAMMM "All Cloudflare customers are shielded by 209 Tbps of DDoS protection. Every server in every one of our 300 network locations runs the full stack of DDoS mitigation services to defend against the largest attacks." - The person behind this attack guarenteed doesn't have more than 209 Tbps bandwidth to get around if Bungie just paid so little money to something like CloudFlare.[/quote] So Bungie claimed it isn't their fault because of glitched weapon issues, it's hackers. But that is still their fault cause that excuse also suggests they messed up and caused this. Bungie lies compulsively, no one claimed they are good at crafting lies. They aren't Savathun.



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  • I don't feel bad about bungie's top echelon, but the thing is, they're not the ones doing the grunt work despite getting the highest salary I do feel bad for those who work the SFX, VFX, weapon design, armor designs, etc teams who are stuck having to deal with sometimes getting put on crunch time, same goes to the networking team that must be working overtime to figure out a way to stop whoever is DDoSing them from being able to even get anywhere near being able to communicate with their servers Be mad at the top echelon, not the bottom everyday average joe/jane working their jobs (visuals, sounds, map design, etc, these people deserve praise)



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