I don’t feel bad for anyone who gets DDosed cause they didn’t take the necessary precautions to prevent it. That’s why I trust my friends at ExpressVPN.
Percussions...they didn't use the proper drums? Your spelling is as bad as your logic
Not sure percussions means what you think lol
LOL I read that in my ad voice
You sound exactly like a commercial for them. 🤣
That’s like saying you don’t feel bad for someone getting broken into and robbed because they live in a bad neighborhood.
[quote]That’s like saying you don’t feel bad for someone getting broken into and robbed because they live in a bad neighborhood.[/quote] Well that’s cause it’s true. You picked the bad neighborhood to live so they can’t bïtch when they get broken into. People bring tabs things on themselves through the choices they make. Why should I feel bad for the choices people make that put them in danger?
Should've relied on the tried and true kitchen gun. Never failed me before and it never will. Cleans up neighborhoods just as well as it cleans dishes.