I don't think there truly is ddosing
Just a boogie man created to take the heat off of the current problems of destiny.
Imagine if they used their resources to actually WORK on destiny, instead of squeezing the dry teet. 🤷
We will never know.
You don't believe the large corporation, but you expect us to believe the random guy online? That's some silly logic Who is more reliable: An anonymous person online or a large corporation?
I mean I've never seen this random guy lie, however I've seen bungie lie probably 100 times across the last 9 years. & they do use bugs & glitches as excuses, remember when edge transit, dropped nonstop, bungie said they'd investigated & found a bug & fixed it. Truth was, edge transit was the only heavy weapon in the open world loot pool so of course it would drop nonstop. The fix, for the bug, was to pull 2 heavies from the next season into the open world loot pool. That's incompetence & lies.
Welp I ain't gotta explain myself xD thanks homie 🍻
Why are people so quick to assume a conspiracy? There is literally no trust left in the world. People think trusting what a company says is being a sheep or not having the ability to think critically; it’s not - you aren’t clever or special for thinking everything is a lie, you’re just a victim of the age of misinformation. I’m not saying believe everything blindly, just don’t jump straight to conspiracy every time.
You're correct, however the context here is some of us have been reading everything bungie say for many many years & they've openly lied a lot. I question everything & find it weird how the ddos started straight after maintenance, maintenance in which they fixed a crafting glitch that now closes your game if you try it. Also the intermittent attacks this week have usually been around 9am US time, just as maintenance starts again.
Because they're acting like what the conspiracy said and we have a track record for that starting from secret exp throttling around the game release so how can people believe them?
I talked about the lying and used the xo throttling in another thread. Thanks for the back up 🍻
Do you honestly think that the XP throttling is the same as fabricating fictional DDoS attacks?
If that means shifting the blame from their incompetence, what thing they won't lie about?
In the TWAB and on Twitter, they’ve been incredibly transparent about the weekend and what steps they took to try and patch the glitch. What about that screams “we are trying to shift the blame”.
Because you don't stupidly claim "we are trying to shift the blame" to keep face. You don't see them saying "we don't want to make more ritual armor", don't you? They shift the blame on "low usage" so they don't bother making new ritual armor
An excuse isn’t a lie, regardless of how terrible that excuse is. Saving face by lying only works in proportion to the risk. I don’t think people would care [i]that much[/i] if Bungie’s server issues were a result of them trying to fix the glitch but people would (rightly) lose their minds if it transpired that they had lied about fictional DDoS attacks. The trouble with half of the people saying this stuff is a lack of critical thinking.
Excuses upon excuses, things that they said and left unfulfilled (hence, lies) make people don't have any trust on bungie so what can I say?
If a DDoS is a serious offense (I don't know, this is just my understanding), wouldn't fabricating one be the same as filing a false police report or something?
Not sure how it would stand up in court but if our ability to play a product we’ve paid for is limited by an internal mistake and we’ve been deceived into believing it’s due to DDoSers then there could potentially be a case there depending on their TOS.
So Bungie claiming this is an attack from an external source when it really isn't wouldn't be a wise legal/financial move and potentially open them up to maybe fraud charges?
Probably not but again, I am no expert of corporate law and wouldn’t want to make any unsubstantiated claims. In my own personal opinion though; a lie of this caliber would be far more damaging to them if found out than simply admitting network issues were their fault (were that the case).
Hey, I have no idea about these things either, that's why I was asking, lol. My take on the whole situation is basically the same as yours; incredibly stupid if they lied about it, making me willing to believe things have gone down the way Bungie said it did. Maybe that makes me gullible, I don't know.
People want to believe that seeing conspiracy in everything makes them clever or insightful but often they’re just trapped in a pattern of mistrust and are thinking no more critically than someone who blindly believes everything. It’s a hard pill to swallow though and that’s why we are such rampant cognitive dissonance. It’s not their fault, it’s a bi-product of the modern world.
What a grand thing it is to be alive in the digital age. This crap wasn't a problem when I was playing games on my old-school consoles, lol.
No I know! How I miss it.
We both said in an online video game forum, 😂!
Perhaps we’re just as bad as everyone else. Lol.
Yep, pining for the 'golden years' of gaming. Rose-tinted glasses for everyone! Next, I'll be telling people on the forum about walking to school uphill both ways. *sigh* I hate getting old.
Conspiracy theorists. Thank you. I see so many of them so quick to claim it’s a lie. I don’t think it’s worth talking to them though. If they believe it’s a lie, they’re not going to listen to anything else that comes out.