Your game history shows master (attempt, DNF) -> master (attempt, DNF) -> legend (cleared, 1 death) -> master (attempt, DNF) -> legend (attempt, DNF) -> legend (cleared, flawless)
Can you redo it and get a clip of you opening the chest and showing the modifiers (it'll show the difficulty modifiers) without the triumph unlocking?
Thank you for answering but the lost sector is now changed. However i still don't know why my history legend when i strictly lauch master exept for the one i have DNF because i haved realised that my dificumty wasn't right. I also waited for the last attempt to kicked by timer in order to not counted as DNF. I will try again next time the lost sector can be finished in master by me.
No worries, just a heads up the next time Bay of Drowned Wishes will be the lost sector will be daily reset on the 2nd of October