Will we be able to play again at some point?
Why is the game crashing so often?
Why I keep seeing the message that I should check MY network, when the problem is CLEARLY on YOUR side.
You are collecting more money than EVER from us and the problems are multiplying... WTH?
People glitch stuff and the game crashes
This is ridiculous 3 afternoons in a row can’t play for more than a few minutes before getting kicked with a variety of error codes. Then have to requeue to get back on. Sort it out Bungie!
I won't be playing till they fix the game and no longer kick people out. I wanted to play some GM and raids, but seeing players being kicked due to errors, I'm taking a break and playing some other games
It's clearly your network connection. No one else has mentioned this issue.
Let's do a raid release during a ddos attack.
They claim DDoS, I claim BS, they simply can't fix the game correctly so their blaming some none existing reason
If only they had a few BILLION to use from a recent buy-out from a certain Sony company to improve the servers that need updating for a few years now... Why update the servers? New emote for charity go brrr.. (Got weazeled out mid-game of mayhem, got a one moment please for "increased activity" and just got error code chicken.. but yeah.. blame my 5g wireless that has no issues any other time I play..)
Bungie is being ddosed
Modificato da Demoniser: 9/20/2023 9:07:17 PMThe glitched gun crowd wanted to have their fun and screwed the game. Plus DDoS attacks... probably the same crowd, annoyed they lost their guns. There's no such thing as coincidence, only evidence.
I logged out FTS.
Whoa, whoa! Bungie does very good for the pittance they ask for. $100/yr is cheap! Shoot, it’ll cost $200+ just to take a girl out in a nice night out. This is one of the extremely rare times they don’t have this game running butter smooth. It’s a pretty big glitch, so just give them a day or two. I promise Destiny will still be here and even if the crafting bug isn’t fixed, I’m confident the servers will be much smoother. All good mate! 👍
According to Bungie's twitter feed, they are experiencing DDoS attacks