Keep getting booted when I try to enter the altars seasonal activity. On Xbox. No, I don't have Twitter/x so I can't see the Bungie Help account updates there. Anyone who can see them care to share what's going on?
Edit. Tried logging off and back on. Now during signing in I get centipede and returned to the title screen. I'm just going to assume the servers are down and go back to playing Starfield.
ha iniziato una nuova discussione: Baboon'd and Weasel'd out of game... is it a DDoS?(1 Rispondi)
Modificato da AmazonRising: 7/7/2024 4:22:17 PM
I did the right decision NOT to pre-order their next overpriced expansion. I know their main focus is Marathon right now; that's where they put most of their resources into. But do we really have to put up with this nonsense? There are so many problems as of late and it's infuriating.
I'm still also having issues, they should double check before saying that it is resolved.
Now it's ANTEATER time.
Ditto here, going to go back to TT Wonderlands. We all have better things to do than wait for these guys to get their act together. At this rate we could grow old and die waiting....
Try here as a Twitbrain alternative: [url][/url]
como faço para entrar em contato com a equipe da bungie para poder processa-los ? eu não gastei tanto dinheiro nesse jogo para não poder joga-lo
I was having the same issues. Couldn't load into helm, tower, or anything. Kept getting different error codes, the first time I couldn't even load the game without an error code so I sat in orbit to eat lunch for about 30 minutes and now I was able to load into the helm. We shall see how long this last 😒
same for me, all the time error code currant
same here.. can't load into any planet, tower or helm..
same here any activity
PC here, can't join in any activity, planet or tower without being kicked by a Currant Error!!! Please fix it bungie!
Constant error code currant. Can't wait for it to be fixed. Really want to finish the shadow keep campaign on my warlock lol
This seems like a game wide issue, Alot of players are being kicked out when trying to launch activities.
Same here
Non stop currant and centipede error codes
Currant and cabbage....yum
Hi there, thank you for your report. We are currently investigating an increase in CURRANT, COCONUT, and CENTIPEDE error codes at this time.
Put all my crafted weapons in vault. Now I only get one currant per instance.
Anyone want some coconuts ?? .. I have loads.
Ya i get the same started yesterday 24hrs and not fixed very poor
thank god Alt+F4 work just fine..
Perfect time to touch some grass guardians