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Reclutamento clan

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4/5/2023 11:34:51 PM

PSN | EST-PST | Discord | 23+ | Fun-focused/Endgame-ready

How has your Lightfall experience been? Are you looking for a clan that offers more? Involvement? Reciprocation of help? Communication? If you're also passionate about both PvP and PvE we might be for you. Ace Enigma (AcEn) is a clan-turned-community that has been around since the beginning of Destiny. We've helped hundreds of players learn mechanics, and we've formed many friendships along the way. We've even inspired the creation of new clans as well! We're structured, non-toxic, social, diverse, consistent, easy-going, supportive, and passionate about our humble community and about Destiny. We're recruiting social gamers who mostly play D2. We want players who are hoping to learn about us, integrate, and who will consistently chat with us through Discord and PSN. Getting involved in clan activities several times per week is expected. We're in Eastern-Pacific time zones (NA), and we're looking for those who play during our peak times (~6-11pm in Eastern Time). Join us for Raids, Crucible, Nightfalls, Trials, Dungeons, teaching sessions, and so much more. Let's have some fun and get impressive stuff done. Become a part of something you can be proud of. Join AcEn! [b]Requirements:[/b] *Ages 23+ *Have a mic/headset *Use Discord often (mobile preferred) *Play Destiny consistently *Power level 1770+ [b]Interested in joining? Here's what you should do:[/b] *Please read our official description (linked below ⬇️) [b]*Add us on Discord (Lofty#1594/HoLLoW#9068) Or...[/b] *Comment here and introduce yourself. And... *Upvote this post to give us a hand with recruiting. It helps and is appreciated. Thank you!



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