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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
11/12/2022 6:02:21 AM

They Called It The Traveler…

And its arrival changed us forever. Remember that, Guardians? For myself and for thousands of others, they were the first words that we heard when we became Guardians. To think I almost forgot. Memory is strange in its workings. Listening to the Destiny Soundtrack, especially the track “The Traveler,” I’m reminded of the time I’ve put into this game, this world, and the Guardians in it. Please understand, this isn’t a bid towards nostalgia. I’ve seen Destiny at it’s best and worst, all 8 years of it, and the more time that passes the less interesting the past becomes. And as much as I want to look ahead, the future is inscrutable and belies clarity. What I can do is look inward, take stock of my time. I think about the Guardians I’ve helped through Raids and Nightfalls. I think about the friends I’ve made. And lost. I think about weekends in the Lighthouse sun and the days in ELO hell. So many moments. Too many to name. I’ll always have a fondness for this game and the people in it. I want to see this journey through to the end. And I want to help as many Guardians through it as I can. I want to stoke the spark that made me love Destiny. I don’t regret one second of my time. This game may never be what it once was, but we can still find joy in what we [i]choose[/i] to find joyous. To all my fellow Guardians, wizened and new alike, I hope the future is bright. And I hope to be there right by you, just an LFG away. And to all my Guardians who might have taken their Light elsewhere, I hope it’s shining brighter than before. This game is, or was, special to each of us. Cherish every second it made you smile, gave you an almost forgotten joy; [i]This[/i] is why we are Guardians. They called it The Traveler, and its arrival changed us forever. Remember that, Guardians. Be good y’all. kaaphro



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  • Ada and the forges could have been so much more. So many rich and unique storyline possibilities. Asher and other powerful stories. Now we have a broken forge on mars and ghost of characters remaining as reminders of stories that could have been. Greed (piracy), charity, side stories, and a textbook villain have taken over. Hope may spring eternal but it is hard to look over this past couple seasons flops.



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