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1/19/2022 8:17:05 AM

Advice on Restriction Issues?

I've had one before, and while I understood that one, because it was when I was playing during the day and on an Xbox, etc. I have since changed to playing almost only at night, turning off all internet devices, playing on my pc as it's a slightly more stable connection, and closing all tabs and applications on said pc before playing. I have since gotten my second notice for a possible second restriction. Now, the important part of this is that I am rather restricted on "solutions" I live in one of the poorest US states, on top of that, in the current location that I live, there is only one internet provider and they're incredibly predatory to this location, essentially only doing the bare minimum, doing nothing past keeping it barely working, and I even pay for the highest package. This said business is going bankrupt I believe as well, so less work is being done to maintain our lines. A new business is supposed to come through "soon" but it's been months and we've heard little to nothing on news of it. I'm not sure what I'm trying to do here, just? Bungie doesn't have a contact form for this, only for when the restriction has already happened, and the last time I tried to explain that I am trying to work with what I have they said they just don't take appeals on temp restrictions, I was more trying to maybe get a prevention on future restrictions? At least until I could get my new internet provider, but possibly that's asking for too much. I've enjoyed this game since release of D1, and it just, feels like I'm being told to quit. I'm open to any solutions to help strengthen my connection with what I can do, I currently can't switch providers, as I mentioned. But any advice helps, again, I'm not sure why I'm here, other than bungie is rather hard to get a hold of so I'm just, at the end of my rope on trying to find help anywhere.
#Help #internet



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  • [quote]If you need advice screenshot all results and use a hosting site like or Twitter and post the direct links. Plenty of people are willing to help and advise you. Test you up/down and speeds [url=]Speed Test here[/url] Your ping to Destiny servers [url=]Ping Test Here[/url]. Also, check your packet loss? [url=]Packet loss[/url] What is your jitter no need to enter a location just click test? [url=]Jitter test[/url][/quote]



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