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Destiny 2

Discussioni su Destiny 2.
Modificato da ImaginedSnake: 1/8/2022 1:14:14 PM

Threaded needle not dropping for me?

Do I have to do something special to unlock threaded needle? I have done a ton of the Teri 2 focused engram for the threaded needle or the rocket launcher, and I get the rocket launcher every time. I swear I have done this 10+ times and it’s the rocket launcher every time. It is starting to get depressing because I have to do battlegrounds, and battlegrounds rotates isn’t very fun in my opinion, and on top of that it rotates between like 3 different “battlegrounds”. I swear I have gotten every other piece of armor and weapon from season of the chosen, but I can’t get this one. Is there anything I can do that is a guarantee for me to get it?



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