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Modificato da BNGSecurity: 10/14/2021 2:43:18 PM


I got a 2 month matchmaking restriction for apparent unstable internet connection but there's nothing wrong with my connection, I don't have problems running it at all, this is the second time this has happened now (first one was 2 week restriction by memory), I filed an appeal both times but they got denied so not sure what to do now but wait again which means no Crucible or Gambit since matchmaking has been restricted, im worried this is just going to happen again after I wait it out tho, does anyone know what I can do? I cant see anything wrong with my connection



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  • Hi there, Your account has been restricted from matchmaking against other players for 2 months, beginning October 6th, due to extremely poor connection stability that was negatively impacting other players' experience. Specifically, we have repeatedly detected [b]extended periods of delayed networking responses to other players[/b]. We initially sent you an in-game warning about your connection's extreme instability in July which provided suggestions for how to fix the issue. You also received a 2 week restriction in August, along with another in-game message explaining why you were restricted. I have confirmed that you acknowledged these messages by dismissing the message window. Your restriction has been reviewed and will be upheld. To learn how to improve your connection stability by reducing latency and packet loss, please carefully read this page in our Network Troubleshooting Guide: [quote]For more information about our Bans and Restrictions policies, including how to officially submit an appeal, visit[/quote] [quote]Topics receiving replies from this account are automatically locked, because we have found the majority of replies to these threads break the Code of Conduct regarding personal attacks, harassment, or violations of privacy.[/quote]



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  • Don't play Destiny 2 with wifi no matter how fast or stable you think it is. It will never be enough to keep you from getting these restrictions. My wifi is nearly as fast during tests as it is wired to modem. I would never ever never ever start Destiny 2 up whether I'm on PC/Laptop/Xbox/Playstation conneted to wifi. 1000% no no no will never do it.



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    3 Risposte
    • Getting off wifi would be a start. Then you need to run stability tests looking for bad/high jitter, packet loss, and latency.



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      5 Risposte
      • So you've had multiple restrictions for poor network connectivity and still claim there is nothing wrong with your network? I swear, some people just refuse to learn or admit any fault ever.



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        7 Risposte
        • This forum is unable to assist with appeals of restrictions or bans. There is a process in place for you to appeal your ban or restriction. The contact form is [url=]Here[/url] Please note that there is no guarantee for a response, nor is there a guarantee that your ban or restriction will be overturned. [url=]Speed Test here[/url] [url=]Ping Test Here[/url] Who is your ISP? Wi-Fi or wire? Laptop or desktop, Console? How many people use your connection? How many items are connected like computers, consoles, tablets, phones, TVs, and household appliances, etc?



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          6 Risposte
          • Have you looked over this and its related sub-pages:



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