I've just completed the Pit of Heresy solo and the triumph hasn't been awarded, i've returned to orbit still nothing??, i've got a screenshot of the final screen showing the completion..
I've seen there is a few people with the same issue, will this be retrospectively given to me??, i don't have time to do this all in one sitting, Shattered Throne allowed for you to do the solo in several sessions!!....
I really hope don't have to do that again! [url]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/537038461438525450/640314856419098665/20191102_221611.jpg?width=1379&height=671[/url]
[url=https://www.d2checklist.com/pgcr/5031019162]According to the API[/url], you had one incomplete run on 10/29. Since checkpoints are retained and only way to reset is to complete a run, you essentially loaded in solo with a checkpoint, including the other two teammate's data. Since there are more than one player in the save data, the triumph will not trigger.
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