I keep getting the strict NAT warning when i log in, bellow are the changes i made as per several tutorials online/
1. Set up a static IP address
2. Make sure UPnP is enabled from my router control panel
3. Enable DMZ and make sure it is the same as the static IP address that i set up at step 1
4. Add a TCP Destination Ports 3074
5. Made sure Destiny 2 is not blocked by my fire wall
What am I missing here?
Modificato da Just Dan: 7/5/2018 6:29:10 PMHello. Here's Bungie's article when it comes to NAT. https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Troubleshoot?oid=13610 My advice would be to contact your ISP to see what they recommend that you do. Question - did you have Open or Moderate NAT before and did something recently change to make it Strict? Also, check this out: https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Troubleshoot?oid=13602
There could be a few reasons. Some not as apparent as others. The first thing I ask is this : Is your router connected to a separate modem? Or is it a combination router+modem connected directly to the internet. ? If the router is connected to a separate modem, are you sure it’s [b]just[/b] a modem, and not also a router combo? Second thing I would suggest is set you router to use UPnP if it supports it, and dump port forwarding and dmz. You should never use them together. Static IP is a good idea for all connected devices; assign the IPs via the router and not on the device itself.