[quote][b]Update 11/17[/b]
Since the release of Destiny Update, we have been investigating an issue where players on Local Networks are unable to form a Fireteam within Destiny. We have made some progress in identifying the root cause, and are continuing to investigate ways in which we may resolve this issue.
We wish to ensure Destiny remains stable for all players. One change may resolve the issue at hand, while creating more issues that impact a greater number of players in alternate ways. As such, we must approach any proposed networking changes with caution and vigorous testing.
For players impacted by this issue, please ensure that UPnP is enabled, if possible. Not only do UPnP settings create a better Destiny experience when playing online, this also makes it possible for multiple consoles on a Local Network to form Fireteams. Additionally, manual port forwarding on your network may negatively impact your ability to connect to other players in Destiny. For additional information concerning UPnP, please see our Network Troubleshooting Guide.
[b]Previous Updates[/b]
[quote][b]Update 9/15:[/b] From [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/45223/7_This-Week-At-Bungie--09152016]This Week at Bungie - 09/15/16[/url]
[b][u]Local Network Fireteam Issues[/b][/u]
Since the release of Destiny Update, we have been investigating an issue where some players are unable to join Local Network Fireteams. Through our investigation, we have identified some of the causes for this issue. Destiny Update 2.4.0 addressed one of these, and we are continuing to investigate other potential causes.[/quote]
[quote][b]Update 9/9:[/b] From [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/45188/7_This-Week-At-Bungie---09082016]This Week At Bungie - 09/08/2016[/url]
[b][u]Local Network Fireteam Issues[/u][/b]
[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/45172/7_Destiny-Update-090816]Destiny Update 2.4.0[/url] contains a potential fix for an issue where players were unable to join Fireteams with other players on Local Networks. If you continue to experience this issue, or encounter any other issues after accepting the update, please let us know by posting a thread in the [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Topics/?tg=Help]#Help[/url] forum or visiting our pinned 2.4.0 Known Issues Thread.[/quote]
[quote][b]Update 9/1:[/b] From [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/45135/7_This-Week-At-Bungie---09012016]This Week At Bungie - 09/01/2016[/url]
[b][u]Local Network Fireteam Issues[/u][/b]
Over the last few weeks, we have been actively investigating an issue which is prohibiting players on Local Networks from forming a Fireteam. We have identified the issue, and are investigating a potential resolution. [/quote]
Hello all,
With update an issue was introduced where players experiencing connection issues were not receiving proper Error Codes when attempting to log in to Destiny. After successfully logging in, players experiencing this issue were not able to launch activities or performing other in-game tasks.
On Aug. 9th, 2016, we have reverted back to the previous behavior which allows these players to see these error messages again. If you are met with Marionberry or Canary error messages consistently when attempting to log in, please refer to our [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Support/Troubleshoot?oid=12915]Network Troubleshooting Guide[/url] for proper network settings. If you continue to experience these issues, you may need to contact your ISP for further assistance.
Investigations concerning Local Network Fireteam Join Issues are ongoing.
As a first troubleshooting step, we recommend that all impacted players ensure that proper connections are allowed for Destiny Gameplay. Please see the [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Troubleshoot?oid=13612]Allowing Destiny’s Connections[/url] page of our Network Troubleshooting Guide for a list of Ports that should be allowed, unblocked, or forwarded.
[b]NOTE:[/b] We highly recommend disabling any network restrictions going to your Console, as this may cause additional issues when attempting to play Destiny.
Additionally, players should clear the cache of both consoles on a local network, and attempt to form a Fireteam once more.
[quote][b]If this issue continues to impact you and your desired Fireteam members, please post a report below.[/b]
When filing a report, please provide the following information:
• Have you [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Article/12539]cleared cache[/url] of all consoles on your local network?
• Have you followed appropriate steps in the “[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Troubleshoot?oid=13612]Allowing Destiny’s Connections[/url]” section of the Network Troubleshooting Guide?
• Are you experiencing any specific error codes when attempting to join Fireteams, or are you only witnessing “Unable to join. You were unable to join the Fireteam.” messaging?
• Please list the PlayStation Network ID’s or Xbox Live Gamertags of all impacted accounts.
Modificato da Rain 130: 4/14/2017 2:12:01 AMHow to Ruin a Game: Ilistrated by Bungie 1: multi-platform game with one platform getting bonus content. 2: make sure a specific weapon or subclass has an advantage. 3: take away fireteam 4: take away ammo 5: make all this irrelevant by releasing a sequel.
Modificato da ProfBraun: 4/19/2017 10:40:14 AMHi BNGHelp[...]. After you guys have investigated this problem for 10 months without success, the question now arises whether it will be solved in D2. What are the forecasts? Pleasant holidays B. Edit: [url]https://www.bungie.net/de/Forums/Post/225119087?page=0&sort=0&showBanned=0&path=1[/url]
My husband and I have just run into this problem. We didn't have any issues up until age of triumph was released. Have been reading and trying so many suggestions from forums and bungie website and nothing works. This has completely ruined the destiny experience for us. We were so hyped to replay some of our fav raids and now we can't do that. Really hope you come up with a fix soon. Not a whole lot of motivation to do destiny2 if we can't enjoy it together.
Wtf this has been happening to me for the past few days and it's so annoying especially in trials and it won't go away I figured it would go away with time but that isn't working also tried restarting destiny, Xbox and router and the problem hasn't been resolved It will let me join a fire team go about 5 mins then just sends me back to orbit for apparent reason if anyone could shed some light to why this has happened or if there is a way to fix it please let me know
8 months of Bungie offering the worst customer service experience I have ever witnessed. For MONTHS nobody from Bungie updated this thread or our PM's. Bungie will receive no thanks from me, you guys are a horrible and the worst customer service team I've ever encountered. Scratch that, one would have to actually speak to customer service to make such a statement, we were never important enough to acknowledge. During this dreadful time my SO and I had to endure idiotic timing tricks taking up to 20 minutes to be able to play together until I eventually lost it and set up a 2nd router to my network in order to change her IP address and bypass this issue. I would point out that every other MMO I have played had either integrated customer service features, proper contact us options such as phone line, email or message boards THAT ARE MONITORED AND ANSWERED. Diablo 2, Diablo 3, Phantasy Star Online, Phantasy Star Universe, The Elder Scrolls Online, Warframe, Lineage and more... I absolutely love this game which is why I stuck around but it doesn't make it right...
Modificato da NelClena: 3/31/2017 3:29:33 PMSee that you've finally fixed the issues. But goddamn did it take you guys a long ass time, I didn't even get to play RoI's post-story yet.
Thanks for fixing this Bungie. Please take on board though that keeping people better informed of what you're doing/investigating and when you'll next update people would go a long way to having a customer base which feels listened to and respected rather than ignored and not valued.
Nice to see the local fireteam issue has now been fixed. It's just a shame it took you guys nearly a year to fix the issue you created in the first place
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Please hurry and fix this. My husband and I miss playing Destiny with each other. Its no fun watching the other person play and cant join them.
Bungie - Please can we have a fresh update on this. The statement above has been played back for several months now. If you would simply tell us where you've got to with your fix/testing, what you're doing next (and when) and give us a date for your next communication on the subject then it would go some way to relieving the angst/frustration/RAGE!!! that myself and lots of other guardians/customers) are feeling. I'm on the verge of shelling out £150 on a new router solely to try and fix a problem that, for all I know, you will resolve with a software update in a couple of weeks (and yes I have followed all other advice). I can feel a RANT coming on so I'll stop now. Just please show a little empathy. Please.
Still haven't fixed the problem I would like to play with my wife -_-
Also, its been 4 months since any update has been given. Can we at least get some kind of updated info to reassure us that this is still being worked on.
This is still very much an issue and is very frustrating. I got the game to play with my son since he enjoys it so much. Im an IT professional and have troubleshot this for hours and hours. Nothing that I do makes it work for more than one session. We can play other games fine but this one is still an issue and needs to be addressed. If this continues, I definately wont be purchasing Destiny 2.
"Unable to join fire team" MadScientist44 SpaceNordic44
Unbelievable that this is still an issue and that I am still using a router into a router in order to be able to play with my SO. I feel like we should contact sites that review video games and tell them about this utter lack of customer service...
well its been nearly a year since my siblings and i have been able to play together. so had to come do my share of (female dog)ing about it for march. i noticed PC has been removed as a platform for destiny 2, your loyal fans that bought a 360 just to play Halo 3 despite pc versions of halo ce and halo 2 being better than their counterparts were looking forward to bungie's return to pc, but yeah i'm starting to pick up on your hate for us. thank you for not giving a F***
I am intermittently experiencing the "unable to join" error when with a player in the same household on PS4. We have UPnP enabled on a fibre optic modem/router (BT Homehub). Both consoles are connected to an Ethernet hub that is connected to the router. Both PS4s report NAT Type 2. If both players launch Destiny and log in then we are able to join as a fireteam. However, if one of us logs out of Destiny and logs back in or changes characters while the other player stays in game, we are unable to form a fireteam. Quitting Destiny on both consoles and/or logging out of the PS4 account and then relaunching Destiny has so far resolved the issue. Impacted PSNs are run-run-run-ran, marah-sarie, and HopSkipJumpShoot.
My brother and I still have this issue, same network, 2 consoles, nat open and we cant join each other, we can join other players but we cant be on the same fireteam. We have already done all the steps listed and we still cant join. So what can we do? We like to play destiny with somo friends but we now find this problem...
I see they addressed this again in the blog. I may be reading between the lines but they know what they did to cause this but don't want to revert for some reason, so they are looking at redesigning the whole matchmaking thing. Good luck guardians I bet we don't see a fix until Destiny 2
My husband & I are also very disappointed & VERY frustrated with not being able to join the same fireteam on the same network, with all avenues of work arounds/troubleshooting etc. exhausted we are unwilling to play Destiny until this issue is resolved & the purchase of Destiny 2 is definitely not an option, with so little in the way of customer service & fixing a major issue like this it makes us wonder if Destiny 2 will contain the same LAN connecting issues. After reading through some of the comments on here I believe that it's not just us that won't bother with the second instalment of Destiny either.
Yes, you do say to look at the router and all but before the taken king this never happened so it never was my internet no? It is getting extremely frustrating trying to connect with my sister. All of our other online games works except destiny. 😐 "Unable to join fire team"
Anyone know if the quit-Destiny-and-get-Weasel work around still works? Or did the Derpvelopment team break that as well? I always have a (completely understandable) fear that they will break things further with each new patch...
Well, this is incredibly disappointing. My husband and I thought we figured out the hacks to get connected to Destiny via local connection (please note, I do mean JUST Destiny, as we can connect to every other game without an issue). Only to have today's update happen and screw us over again. We've been trying to connect for way too long. I don't even know why we still bother at this point.
Hi bungie !!! Do you know what is a class action ??? I'm thinking to open a class action. Me and thousands of YOUR players could maybe ask to be refund (with bonis). You don't give the service you promised to offer !! Are you so disinterested of us ? You change the rate of this gun... modify the impact of another one BUT still do NOTHING to solve MAJOR ISSUES..... Clearly, if you don't solved this issu quickly I'll start a class action GO AHEAD ... Assign developpers on this PLEASE.
Just in case that helps some, I solve this by connecting one of the ps4 on the wifi hotspot of my phone. So the ps4 are not on same network anymore You may need a good 4G connexion and enough data (data consumption seems fair but I didnt measure accuratly)