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10/16/2015 8:55:28 PM

reforging claws of ahamkara

Has anyone been able to roll warlock claws with intellect and discipline? Or even the impossible machines? I've rolled both these two about 40 times trying to get int and dis. But it seems to have a permanent strength stat. Either int+str dis+str or full str only. Looking at the year 2 version of these gauntlets in the Destiny armory you can see that you can roll a strength stat to max at 75 at 290 light. So I'm thinking if you can roll a single stat on whatever it is that's a permanent stat and you can only roll with any variation with that one stat applied



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  • Did you get any luck?, I have been trying the same, to roll discipline / intellect on these gauntlets but still no luck. I want to use 0 in Strenght status as I use Montecarlo to recover melee. I have rolled around 20 times



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