Appareo Fatum - (FATE) - Now Recruiting Xbox One Guardians - Mission Statement - Is FATE the right clan for you? Read to find out.
Clan Motto: “We got it this time guys. This is the one. We got this!”
Mission Statement: Appareo Fatum was formed to give Xbox One players a social group that simply put, allows you to be yourself. We created this clan to have familiar, like-minded people to play with on a day to day basis, rather the alternative of constantly playing games with “randoms” that you never see or speak to again, with the hope that their working on the same quests as you. Our members are avid Destiny players that practically spend every waking minute possible playing Destiny. We are completionists who have or are attempting to play through and collect everything that Destiny has to offer, from weapons, armor, and collectables to story and quest completion. Our skills vary from player to player but we consist primarily of Veteran Destiny players who not only are killing machines in their own right, but are also educated enough in the fundamentals of Destiny to help others not only play through, but also give them the knowledge and know-how to lead future Fireteams into victory.
Overall Clan Mood: We all have lives outside of Destiny, so when gaming we try and make the most productive use of our time, but also like to have a good time while doing it. Despite the fact that many our members are veteran Destiny players with characters that are nearly maxed leveled, and complete most daily and weekly objectives on a regular basis. We always find the time to recruit new members, and help them achieve those impossible feats that seemed unobtainable without the help of cooperative guardians on your team. I would consider our members to be friendly, polite, and patient but are also out spoken and tend to speak our minds and say exactly how we feel. Our members are laid back, class acts who like to joke, laugh and have a good time while gaming. We are all dedicated members to the Destiny community and pride ourselves in not only completing activities, quests and strikes, but also helping others on their road to success. If you aren’t sure where to find specific enemies or how to complete a certain chain of bounties or quests. That is exactly why we assembled this clan, and what our members are here for. We aim to make every members game time as productive and enjoyable as possible, without the frustrations that can come with some of the more difficult tasks of the game. Contact a few clan mates, explain what your trying to do, and not only will you learn the most efficient way to accomplish this, but will most likely pick up a few mates in your fireteam to help you complete your objectives faster. This usually works in a tit for tat format, and usually follows up with you helping them with a task in return, but helping is not expected. It just ends up being something you want to do, because in the grand scheme of Destiny we have come to find that the game is far more enjoyable when playing with friends, and having an extra guardian in your Fireteam usually tends to lead to faster Quest completions.
Ideal Candidate: Though most of our members are 21+ and is definitely an adult clan. We have set our age restriction to 15+ due to the fact that our first two recruits were 15. I would consider our clan to be an 18+ clan, but are happy to welcome younger members who are mature, and can conduct themselves in a composed manner, but don’t be mistaken. Despite our all work attitude, we make plenty of time for fun and games, and always find a way to get a good laugh out of each gaming session we participate in. The clan was started by PureBloodDemo who is 30 himself, but learned the ins and outs of Destiny, thanks to the first 2 recruits mentioned above, therefore we do not hold age against anyone in any form. Our clan consists of most who are veteran Destiny players. Though we are happy to welcome anyone who feels that they would be a good fit within our ranks despite their progression or skill level. We definitely take the time we spend in Destiny seriously, however this is a game, and nothing is more important that having fun, and enjoying ourselves while playing. I would by no means consider us to be a serious clan. We are all here to pretty much have a good time, to collect and progress are characters as much as possible with the time we do have to play, and meet some cool people in the process.
Recruitment Status: We are actively recruiting members as of right now. We are looking to amass a good size clan, but don’t want it to be so overpopulated that it just becomes another group that random LFG posts are submitted through. We want our clan to actually have a large group of members that not only consider ourselves to be gaming buddies, but friends. Some of us spend just as much time gaming as we do almost anything, and if you are playing with the same people on a regular basis. You are bound to find yourselves considering some of the people you game with to be more than just gaming buddies, possibly even consider them to be friends, I know that I have. That is kind of our goal in Appareo Fatum. We want all our members to be connected in a sense if not personally, at least on a gaming level. We do not expect every member to experience this as some people would rather not mix personal and online life. This is just what our original members have come to get from the clan we have made thus far.
Ideal Clan Alliances: We are not currently seeking Clan Alliances, but are certainly up for it. The more people that are in our networks, makes it that much easier to find members to run those hard raids with, or even to just dispose of a few of your stockpiled ruins in the Court of Oryx. If we were to ally with a clan, we would want the same type of like-minded people that we currently have in our clan. Thought we always participate in Iron Banner, and Trials. I would consider our current members to be mainly PVE players. We are all very good at PVP and are usually at the top of the leaderboards when up against other guardians. We just tend to spend more time PVE encounters, so having an alliance with a clan that contains PVP players probably wouldn’t be a bad thing.
Closing Statement: As of right now, we are an Xbox One Clan and do not intend to cross platforms, but after future expansion, who knows. In short, we are all mostly your Average working class American who spend all the time we can afford gaming. We love to joke an have a good time while playing but also like to try and make our time online as productive as possible to keep up with the competitive play, and end game content that Destiny has to offer. We would be happy to see some new members in our ranks, and if you think you would make a good fit. Feel free to add some of our clan members on your buddie list and join our ranks. Even if you’re just looking to get some of the tougher questlines done. You will probably find that after you’ve completed the tasks you joined a clan to complete, you will want to stick around. When I first started, I hated having to LFG or play with randoms to play through the end game content, but now I would rather play with my online buddies then even playing with the people I know around my area, We hope that you find the same spot in our clan. Keep the comradery going and feel free to invite some of the people you enjoy playing with. All our current members met through LFGs and you can’t meet new people unless you put yourself out there and play. Regardless of if you play a few hours a day, or a few days a week. We will welcome you into Appareo Fatum without question. We hope to see some new members in our ranks, and we look forward to seeing you in orbit.
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