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10/15/2015 7:24:23 AM

The Destiny of Bungie

I am a long time gamer. I ordered the PS4 as soon as it was announced and was one of the earliest players. I use Steam on my desktop computer to purchase games. I know how to purchase games and usually don't purchase the wrong thing. Yet I purchased the "Destiny: The Taken King - Digital Collector's Edition (Pre-Order)" in the PlayStation Store on 09/09/2015 @ 05:56 PM, thinking it was the only option I had to get the in game collectors items. The map screen in Destiny at the time did not show the link to the collectors version for players who already had all the expansions. I looked all over the PlayStation Store and only saw the $79 version as being the collectors edition. Because I did want the emotes and extra in game items I bought it. A few days later my girlfriend went to buy the game and we noticed the in game map had the option to buy the cheaper version with all the collectors items included for cheaper. It seemed like an obvious misdirection but I enjoy the game and expansion so I was willing to overlook it. Now we get to this recent update suggesting people who pre-ordered their collectors editions before your "reactionary announcement" get extra coins. You first give terrible prices for loyal players then change it on reaction, then make it hard to find and buy, then make extra coins the gift for the very small few who bought those collectors editions within that "oops we F**ked up period". Are you taking crazy pills? I understand the desire to make money, I get it, staff need to get paid, games need to be make, servers housed, etc. But whoever is doing your marketing needs to be fired. Everything you've done good has been reactionary, always patching up botched announcements or news leaks. It's good to do that and helps the public image, but when that image constantly conflicts with your actions then it's bad news. I don't usually write complaints but this one warranted one. Your image is going downhill, no matter what friendly face you put on it. I'm getting tired of being screwed over by companies too big to watch what their other hand is doing. There will be a shift in the way things are done if it continues. Do you want to be the ones who lost it all because they're just doing what everyone else is doing? Don't be an EA Games because that is where you're headed except it will only get worse because people can only stand so much.



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