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Notifica di servizio
Destiny 2 sarà momentaneamente offline domani per una manutenzione programmata. Segui @BungieHelp per aggiornamenti.


9/27/2015 6:38:37 PM

Thee Immortal Beasts (TIB) looking for new members to join.

Thee Immortal Beasts are looking for new members to join to help in doing raids, bounties, pvp, and more. We are a relaxed group out to have fun in playing destiny; but can be serious when needed to be. If you are looking for help in playing quests, raids, pvp, and etc. we can help you. To join on the Xbox 360 send messages to cr1ms0nk1ng0069 and bgreenway68. To join on the Xbox One message Warriorjosh001 and Fivesicksniper. Hope to see you soon Guardian!



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