I may be completely wrong on this, but what if the Queen has been taken and is actually the final boss in a harder mode of the raid. I am just going off the raid trailer where she says "You didn't think killing Oryx was the end, did you?" I know this could have just been made for trailer, but would be interesting if it was true.
Thoughts, affirmations, insults?
Is everybody forgetting the cutscene after the mission on phobos where the knight walks up to Oryx and is like "they're leaders are yours?" The queen isn't dead, she was captured.
Arrr ya ready, scrubs? Aye, Aye, Bungie! I can't heeeearrrr yooouuuu!!! AYE, AYE, BUNGIE!!! Oooooohhhhhh... Who lives in the Raid Area under the Reef? Sponge-Boss Nerf-Pants! Annoying and glitchy and laggy is he? Sponge-Boss Nerf-Pants! If useless materials are something you wish... Sponge-Boss Nerf-Pants! The join in mid-raid, and whine like a b*tch! Sponge-Boss Nerf-Pants! SpongeBoss NerfPants, SpongeBoss NerfPants, SpongeBoss NerfPants, SpongeBooosssssss NerfPaaaaaaants!
[i]Taken[/i] huh? XD
but wut if queeen wus not kil?!?!?!
I think you might be on to something remember right after the first phobos mission that knight tells oryx "thier leaders belong to you" maybe he was also referring to the queen. Theres no references to how much time passes between the intro cinematic and the phobos mission they might happen at the same time... either that or she reappears in a latter DLC
What I [i]do[/i] know is that one does not simply [i]kill[/i] Mara Sov.
Always interesting to hear theories. @the people saying she's 100% dead. How the hell do you know? Did we see her body? No. Honestly, Bungie can do whatever they want in regards to the queen's disappearance. I'm not saying she's alive and/or taken.. I'm just saying anything can happen when Bungie's at the helm.
Bro, I get what you're trying to do... You're just in denial, and I'm sorry, but... Queen Bae is dead. :C
Why cant people just accept that the queens ship got blown up with her on it?
HM will be the same bosses, stop thinking it will be something more, or you will be disappointed like the other hard modes where.
Modificato da Senpai Nemesis: 10/3/2015 1:54:22 AMThese are all my opinions, don't get mad if you have a different thought. 1. I think that was Eris speaking in that cut scene. (But that's my opinion, I might need to re-watch the cut scene) 2. That quote was made because everyone thought that the Guardians killed Oryx on the Dreadnought in the final story mission. That's why (before the raid was released) all the npcs in the tower said "The Taken King is dead," 3. Only Eris and the Guardians knew/saw Oryx only "Took" himself
Like Kerrigan from starcraft?
In the opening cut scene the way she talks implies a history with Oryx, and there's the line 'the Awoken are my family now' which implies she'd had another family before.
Or eris teleported her out of there, because let's face it they go back a long way.