Who would join a clan for velociraptors who were born wrongfully into the skin of men and women of the human race? ABSOLUTELY NO CIS WHITE STRAIGHT MEN. We want equality for everyone so anyone but CIS WHITE STRAIGHT MEN can join and show support. The link is at the bottom!
What if I identify as a Micropachycepholosaurus? I have yet to find a group accepting of my species.
This post 10/10
If you're a sheep join sheppards flock, we need to stick together these dang birds are everywhere
I'll just leave this here
I'm a chimp Do I qualify? ;)
So where do you all get shoes at?
On all levels except physical, I am a wolf. *barks*
Are laser raptors from the goddamn Viking age allowed?
What if I am a straight white male, but I think velociraptors are kick-@ss?
I like having intercourse with velociraptors and other animals of the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. Can I Join?
Modificato da yourOPliberal: 7/31/2015 11:24:01 PMI identify as a Homosexual white male. Can I join? I'll be the bike stand of the group .-.
Signed, I like eating babies.
Hey! I believe I'm a Velociraptor born as a Stegosaurus turned Human! Can I still join?
Every night I fall asleep with a bowl of raw chicken meat watching all of the Jurassic Park movies in order. If only I could feast on the flesh of unwary travelers, if only I could hunt animals with Chris Pratt on the island of Isla Nublar. If only... I'm glad I'm not the only one.
Modificato da Zebros: 7/31/2015 10:56:07 PMI identify as a genetic male T. Rex, but im sexually a female velociraptor. Can I join?
I knew I wasn't the only one, would love to join this beautiful clan
I thought I was the only one... :/ The looks I got growing up when I tackled people feet first in football told me I was not like everyone else.