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The Garage

« People with a passion for going fast and looking good getting there »

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    The Garage is a group of automotive enthusiasts who share a common passion for anything and everything automotive.

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publié à l'origine sous :The Garage
1/22/2015 12:37:49 AM

Any racing stories to be told around here?

Basically participated in my first race since I've owned my SS. Started working first this week at my job, and a younger guy about my age drives a tastefully done FR-S. It's 4 lane highway going to work, and we are cruising side by side down the road. I felt like we were having a bro moment, and then we got to a stop light. I gave him a thumbs up, and mid way through my 1st to 2nd shift I could hear him revving the nuts off his flat 4. My reaction was, uh, okay. So I nailed it and watched his headlights get smaller and smaller. I let out of it when I got to the top of 3rd and he actually cruised beside me all the way to work. We parked beside each other and had a good laugh about it. He said he thought I was in an RS till he saw the SS flags waving goodbye to him down the road, and essentially said he wouldn't have bothered if he knew otherwise.

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  • Modifié par Master Chief : 1/26/2015 12:27:17 AM
    I drive an FJ and some tard in a beat up Jeep Wrangler challenged me to a race on a four lane road. I just drove like normal but he floored it and got pulled over by the cops a mile later. My bro drove a CTS-V to Senior Prom and this guy in an Altima tried to race him so he just shifted to the next gear up and left him in the dust.

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