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publié à l'origine sous :The Garage
Modifié par Porsche 914 : 12/8/2014 10:09:18 PM

To turbo or not to turbo.

Ok I need some advice a turbo kit for my celica just popped up for sale. It included everything like injectors coolant lines, oil lines, etc. it runs about 5-7 psi and adds about 45 hp to the wheels. I of course would find a lower mileage engine and do some maintenance stuff before I install the kit. It would probably put me at around 190hp at the crank. Now for similar money I could put in a JDM NA 2.0 with 197hp and a LSD transmission(if I can find one that comes with the engine). This is a more modern engine with variable valve timing and coil on plug ignition. The only issue with this engine is its a Japanese engine and some of the parts aren't available in the states. I've made a similar thread to this but that dealt with me custom making my own turbo bits and not a bolt on kit. Anyway what are your opinions on this? Edit:I love my celica to death an I'm never selling it so no more "sell the car" comments please. Seriously I'm not looking to blow the doors off of anything or brag about dyno figures. I just want a decently powered well balanced car. Edit:I've already decided to go the NA route and drop in the 197 hp 2.0 litre engine.

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