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The Garage

« People with a passion for going fast and looking good getting there »

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    The Garage is a group of automotive enthusiasts who share a common passion for anything and everything automotive.

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publié à l'origine sous :The Garage
11/29/2014 4:06:48 AM

Picked up a new car

I have been in -blam!-ing love since I test drove it >2012 >6 speed manual trans >6.2L V8 It hauls some serious ass, and I couldn't keep the shit eating grin off my face the entire ride home. Some things I'm getting use to: -Well believe it or not this is my first full time manual car, so I'm getting use to that -Also the clutch grab point is pretty high compared to the Sierra -Third gear is pretty much good for any rolling start aslong as I don't get below 10 MPH The rumble of the LS3 in 6th gear on quarter throttle is intoxicating, -blam!- I love me some small block V8's.

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