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publié à l'origine sous :The Garage
10/23/2019 6:55:16 PM

Driving Relaxes you, Just Ask a Rat!

I found this today, [quote]Researchers at the University of Richmond built a little car out of a clear plastic food container, some wheels, and wires, and taught rats how to make it move. ............ they found that the rats that had been taught to drive showed an elevated level of the hormone that counteracts stress[/quote] [url=]Rats Can Drive (Tiny) Cars, and Scientists Find They Actually Like It[/url] Further in the article they say that the rats are given Fruit Loops cereal as a reward. So I'm not sure if this can actually be attributed to the driving or if it is all that sugar giving off the elevated hormone response. Next it will be [b]Driving Causes Diabetes in Research Rats[/b]

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  • Rats! I hate rats. They drive me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once. They put me in a room. A rubber room. That room had rats—rubber rats. I hate rats. They drive me crazy! Crazy?! I was crazy once. They put me in a room. A round room, a round rubber room, a round rubber room with rats, round rats, round rubber rats, round rubber rats with wheels, round rubber room round rubber rats with wheels that go round and round and round. That drove me crazy! Crazy? I was crazy once. They put me in a room, a room room, a round room room, a round rubber room room, a round rubber room room with rats, rat rats, round rat rats, round rubber rat rats, round rubber rat rats with wheels, wheel wheels, wheel wheels that go round and round and round. A round rubber room room with round rubber rat rats with round rubber wheel wheels going round and round and round. That drove me crazy! Crazy?!! I was crazy once! They put me in a room, a room room room, a round round room room room, a round round rubber rubber room room room, a round round rubber rubber room room room with rat rats, round round rat rat rats, round round rubber rubber rat rat rats, round round rubber rubber rat rat rats with wheel wheels, round round wheel wheel wheels, round round rubber rubber wheel wheel wheels, round round rubber rubber wheel wheel wheels that go round round and round round and round round. A round round rubber rubber room room room with round round rubber rubber rat rat rats with round round rubber rubber wheel wheel wheels that go round round and round round and round round. That drove me crazy! Crazy?!!!

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    • does it mention if they measured levels before or after fruit loop distribuiton and whether or not they continued to award the rats after the behavior was learned? Even then, it could just be the relationship in their mind that they might get a fruit loop

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      4 commentaires
      • 1
        Rats never had to drive in Boston, shit. It's like psychedelics; set and setting.

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        • Driving only relieves stress if you aren't surrounded by a bunch of imbeciles on the road.

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        • I don't need to see anything to know that rats are already better drivers than humans are...

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        • 1
          Well, driving causes diabetes in truckers, lol.

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