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The Garage

« People with a passion for going fast and looking good getting there »

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publié à l'origine sous :The Garage
1/15/2015 4:01:50 AM

What Car Manufacturer Needs To Change Its' Ways?

What car manufacturer needs to do different things? I would say Honda. Honda cars are reliable, get good mpg, and are well built products but they're missing the fun. The new Civic Si is decent but could be better. Besides the Si there's really no fun car they make. I think they need to bring back the Civic hatchback, and make a performance model to compete with the likes of the ST twins. I think they need to make a RWD sports car too. A S2000 successor would be fantastic. Honda has the potential to do great again, and they should. I love my little Civic and would totally buy a Si. I just wish they made other good things too.

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  • At least Honda has the Civic. Toyota has become grandma and pa company over the past 15yrs. No more Supra, Mr2, or Celica. Hell even the Corolla back in the late 80's was a fun car to drive. Toyota has nothing sporty. Sure they have Scion and make luxury brand Lexus, but come on I'm not paying 10-15k more for a car because they removed a T and slapped an L on it.

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