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publié à l'origine sous : TFWPKY 331 vs Fatebringer 300
2/4/2015 10:48:42 PM
ALL weapons only do 300 on level 30 stuff, you need 310 for 31, 320 for 32, and 330 for 33. Take em both into CE hard where the enemies are 33, and you will see the difference.

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  • This is untrue and has been debunked so many times. Attack value and level are different.

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  • Modifié par Toketotem : 2/4/2015 11:14:34 PM
    I was unaware. Link some debunking for me, and I'll stop believing it. Reddit doesn't count. "What the Attack value does in Destiny is provide a rating that determines how much of the potential damage from the Impact rating of the weapon you can do as a percentage when compared to your enemies defense value. The higher an enemies defense value is above your attack rating the less damage you can cause per hit." "The difference in level between you and your target can also affect the damage that you cause. The most important thing to note is that damage done decreases by the level that you are lower than the target. This starts at about 25% if the target is 1 level higher and up to 50% by the time the target is 3 levels higher. Equally important to note is that being a higher level than your target does NOT provide a boost to damage. This is very different to most MMO’s, but does ensure that almost anything can kill you, keeping the game very FPS based." That's all the information I can dig up. Yeah man the more I read, and dig the more information I find that backs me up.

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  • Modifié par Drewbacca : 2/4/2015 11:35:34 PM
    Each enemy has a damage cap. Low level enemies are capped so 300 vs 331 doesnt usually mean a whole lot. But get two versions of a raid weapon upgraded 331 vs unupgraded 300 and then fire at a level 30 enemy. The 331 does 10% more damage Edit: i disregarded your second two quotes because they are talking about player level not attack value. Edit2: Just because its on reddit doesnt make it wrong. The info in the link was moved from this forum to reddit because this forum is shit for finding stuff

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