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1/10/2015 7:19:01 AM

!!The Last Word Petition!!

Who else thinks that The last word's Single point sling should be replaced with Send it. To back my statement up I'd like to say that the Xbox community should be sympathized for its lack of exclusivity. The PlayStationNation gets Hawkmoon and its clearly the better hand cannon out of the three exotic hand cannons. And xbox should at least get some more effective range on The Last Word to even the scales in pve for the two exotic hand cannons on the xbox. And im also arguing for PSN as well, they should get the perk too. Also, single point sling improves your player speed when aiming down sights, which doesn't really sit well with this "hip fire based" weapon. Just favorite this post to agree with the petition, if you don't agree just don't do anything and keep moving on. If you have connections to Deej or anyone at Bungie please share this post with them if you agree to this topic.

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