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1/9/2015 7:32:15 AM

Finding Players in the Tower

I have an idea... Although most of us (I hope) have friends to play the game with and there are services such as lfg, there are times when perhaps it would be easiest to connect with other players in the tower. Why not give players the option to post a text bubble above their head in the tower advertising what they are looking to do? Say you hop on wanting to do the daily heroic story but have no friends online? Well simply pull out your ghost in the tower, select "display message", and then choose, "I want to do the daily heroic story". This is now displayed above your guardians head in a text bubble as he or she roams the tower for other like minded guardians to see and then send you a private message or game invite from the roster menu. This could be a great way for players to build a sense of community in game. What do you guys think? Comments? Questions? Concerns?

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