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Modifié par BORG : 1/3/2015 5:28:10 PM

TFWPKY 331 vs Fatebringer 300

I bought a TFWPKY 1969 thinking that the 331 attack and the slight impact buff would make more damage than the Fatebringer, but it doesn't. The glorious Fatebringer is still making more damage (due to the explosive rounds). I'll add some data soon. I've tested them through the 2nd, 3rd and last parts of the CE raid. Please, feel free to add some relevant info/data.

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  • Modifié par Omnicron : 1/5/2015 11:23:04 PM
    A 331 1969 with explosive round is better than fatebringer at any enemy level. A 1969 with explosive rounds and fast reload after a kill is the winner. I have one. I also have another 1969 with increased range while ADS and explosive rounds. It's my hunter's primary on every occasion including crota end. It snipes the boomers off the tower lol. Btw I got both from drops.

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