Yesterday they finally emailed me, Asked me all of my details, and finally gave me their conclusion. It must be my harddrive.
My harddrive, which is a year old, has been used to download almost every game I play. It's still half empty. And works just fine with every other game UNTIL now.
So what you're saying is I can't play the game I spent $60 on until I go blow 60 another $100 on a new hard drive to replace the one that has worked great up until this point? Seriously......
I can't even stand it. Haven't been able to even play the game once yet on my 360 and now this.
I really believe it's not on my end. Any thoughts?
Error code was Beagle, by the way.
It's looking like a fix for XBox One is getting the disc version. All the problems seems to be with the digital copy on XB1. 360 though seems to have problems with the disc as well? I got a refund on my digital copy and got the disc this afternoon. Have played twice for a couple hours now, where before I only got 15 mins. But I know others have got multiple hours before crashes. So I've still got my fingers crossed for awhile, but it's looking pretty good. Others have had the same luck so far.
Wow, that's not helpful at all. My Xbox One has had problems with Battlefield 4, but I know their game was troublesome for many other people and it wasn't a hard drive problem. I'll try to install on one of my external hard drives tonight and see if it works. I will post back if it works after.
what brought them to that conclusion? will they pay for the drive it it doesnt fix the issue?
I have a brand new (witching roughly 30-45 days) XB1, purchased the digital download edition and have had this error repeatedly. Their published fix of uninstall/reinstall doesn't work. Notice I didn't say redownload as the new xb1 OS does not give you the option to actually delete the game. If it's a matter of verbiage with the interface then Microsoft has poorly chosen it's words. Install and download are significantly different things. Dear Bungie if you are reading this please message me as I have plenty of details of each of my errors and steps I've done post error. This error is inconsistent fir me. Some times I can go more than 24 hours without an error other times it has happened a mere 20 mins into a new 'reinstall'. Conventional IT wisdom says if the same file on your computer results in a bad (errored) installation then replace the original installation files. I.e. Delete what you have on your hard drive and download a fresh copy. The law of averages alone should have provided me a 'clean' copy of the game as I've reinstalled close to 8 tines now. If the 'game install' process truly does download a fresh copy then the seeded files you have on your servers have a significant amount of corrupted files. This would warrant a few tests such as seeking specific individuals with common situations (same HW, Network setup, similar bandwith) and have them sent a specific copy of the game. See if it works for them. OR use your QA labs with new XB1s with the recent update OS and try to install the same files that I've downloaded. I'm sure there is a way that bungie can work with Microsoft to track my specific downloads based on my account info, gamer tag, and possibly region. Either way this issue needs to get resolved. Spending $100 for a digital copy of the game seemed like a great step to ending the need for physical media in my home. I'm sincerely regretting giving up my preorder reservation for the limited edition (privately holding out hope someone would have passed on the ghost edition) for the absolute wonderfully lazy option of having a digital copy of the game on my system at all times. Guys we know you're better than this, we know you've got a lot on your plate, and WE KNOW that Destiny is a truly kick ass game. What we need to see now is an aggressive and public approach to resolving this. Sure companies can show off with getting out a great new game (rockstar comes to mind) but it's the company's ability or inability to address errors (again rockstar comes to mind) in a timely fashion that will dictate the ultimate success of the customer experience. Don't be like R*.... You're Bungie... True to your motto you just took the gaming world by storm, don't give up what you worked so hard to get by putting up minimal effort to address these issues. At minimum get out ahead of this issue and start communicating to the public via Vidocs on these issues. Do a weekly update Vidoc, here we are with this issue, that issue, etc. Yes it's like a status update but in the end we are your stakeholders and your product is not providing the gaming experience you've already been compensated for. Hope this helps. Again... Message me as I'm available to troubleshoot my issues with you guys. -DC
I bought a brand new ps4 and destiny and have nothing on it and I can't play longer than 10 minutes without a crash. I'm hardwired, dedicated IP with the fastest internet Time Warner provides. I am extremely upset that I cannot play this awesome game. Haha. But seriously it sucks. They should've tested this game more.
Is your HD a legit one with Micorsoft's blessing? None of mine are. They're all 250GB WD Scorps that I flashed to work with 360. If Bungie told me that I'd be like uh-oh maybe it is.
My internet died while playing campaing on Destiny on the One. Now, with my internet working, it won't even take me to the loading screen. I'm playing on the disc, btw. I'm fairly certain it's not my fault. I feel like I wouldn't be having this issue if I wasn't forced to be connected to the internet to play the single player....
it's not your hard drive. it's happening to a lot of people. it's happening to me. the error says " server error". I just want a refund so I can buy the disk
If a professional with a computer science degree tells you it's your hard drive, it's your hard drive. Now, replacement may not be your only option. Can you reformat it in any way? Or delete some other large files so that the data is distributed in a different manner?
Modifié par FPS Bullseye : 9/12/2014 9:56:41 PMSo should i get the disk or not because obviousley bungie is taking there sweet time to fix an error that is probably simple to fix on there part but they just dont realize that people want to play DESTINYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY and if i get the disk will i still be getting the beagle error................................
If you downloaded the game, I'm sorry. That's the reason I knew it was safer to actually have a disk. 360's can't really handle it.
That sucks, i feel for you man, HDD failures suck ass
Wow. I didn't get an email yet. And they were still asking that other guy just a couple hours ago. Know anyone with the same type 360 HD you can swap out and try on theirs? And maybe it's something other than the HD on the One and that's why they're still asking others and haven't heard back yet.