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8/12/2014 12:55:02 PM

Best external hard-drive for the xbox one to install destiny?

I have read a lot of research showing that games run better off an external hard drive for the xbox one. Does anyone here have any experience with this? Also, what are the best current external hard drives for the one? I would appreciate ya'lls input. See you all September 9th!

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  • I recommend this with[postId|5955402[asin|B005KGNXX0[authorId|5716553178370339807[referrer|[type|mod-title My brother in law uses that setup on his XB1. I haven't heard him say anything negative about the drive or enclosure.

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  • I just made sure the portabale hardrive was usb 3. I had to stop using the 3Earth xbox one usb adapter because it slowed the speed down to usb 2. It's very important that your xbox one can detect your portabale hardrive every single time you turn it on. In the setting menu you need to select to download everything to the portabale hardrive from now on or everything will download to the internal hardrive by default. Hope that helps. Oh yes a portabale hardrive did speed up my Xbox One and I'm using a very old hardrive that was very cheap too. Just got to make sure it's USB 3 or your xbox will not detect it thats very important. Be Brave.

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  • Seagate is the one I use, bit expensive but it's worth it.

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