I just recently started playing bio shock and it was really hard to kill "mr. bubbles" .
Edit: just tempered having to kill 343 :c
What enemies do you have a hard time killing ?
[spoiler]Wake up Mr. Bubbles ![/spoiler]
RD:R Sasquatch ;_;
Germans. I don't think I could even kill Hitler.
Modifié par IGotVds : 7/22/2014 1:39:01 PMThe trapped guy in The last of us, right after you get your first gun. If you leave him he will turn (painful). If you shoot him it sucks. Always had to pull the trigger.
Dr. Nefarious from ratchet and clank. He and Lawrence are hilarious!
The old sniper from mgs3
Shadows in kingdom hearts they r cutes.
Haytham Kenway from AC3 and songbird from Bioshock Infinite.
Solaire. [spoiler];~;[/spoiler]
Engineers in ODST. The poor things did nothing wrong.
The boss from metal gear solid 3
There is a guy in the beginning of Bioshock Infinite that I didn't want to die.
Darksouls. First boss. Tried for 30 minutes trying to kill him, then when I realised there is a door to the left side of that room and you weren't required to fight him, I sold the game.
This guy is not a bad guy...but the guy that helps you in dark souls at the start of the game you who gives you your stuff...well i may have killed him... [spoiler]oops :([/spoiler]
Man,please add a Spoiler alert ...I just bought that bundle. for 1 & 2...no, no it's my fault,of course there would be spoilers here. *Face Desk* Dead Rising 1 [spoiler]Jessica & Brad in Dead Rising ..aww man..that sucked.[/spoiler] Dark Souls 1 [spoiler]anyhow, Sif...Then he starts limping around,falling over trying to hit you. He just wanted to save you from dying by killing you.[/spoiler]
Modifié par Neph : 7/22/2014 1:10:35 AMOn a second playthrough of Dark Souls 1, I'd have to go with [spoiler]Quelaag, because this time round I knew what that she was doing for her sister.[/spoiler]
Modifié par d 6d7565727465 : 7/22/2014 6:39:41 AMA few Grunts in Halo, I could still hear the agonizing screech, "[i][b]You killed my [u]Brother!![/u][/b][/i]" After that I felt sad for blasting them both in the face with a Shotgun ;~;
I did a full renegade playthrough in ME3. I still hate myself for pulling the trigger on Mordin....... :'(
Ohm grunts (Unggoy) i hate it to hear their voiced because they are child like and so
Sam from the Walking Dead Season 2. Poor little guy
Everyone in dark souls. Your character is just a complete douchebag. Killing tonnes of normal nice people for no real reason [spoiler]sif, quelaag, ceaseless discharge, probably solaire, seigmeiyer, seath the scaleless, probably more depending on how much of a douchebag you are. [/spoiler]
Solitaire [spoiler]Searching for that last pair[/spoiler]
Flood buddies in Combat Evolved. Shoot both arms off a combat form and you've got a little pal that follows you around. But eventually his constant staring gets annoying and you have to put him down.
Dark Souls I [spoiler]Lord Gwyn[/spoiler]
Modifié par ChaosMetalMarty : 7/21/2014 6:29:13 PMRundas - Metroid Prime 3: Corruption It's like killing Arby or Garrus
Actual spoiler if you haven't played the Walking Dead through all the way.[spoiler]When you have to kill that dog in the beginning of Season 2 of the walking dead. That guy on the bridge in episode 2 I think his name was Matthew.[/spoiler]
Me: hellooo!! im here to join your vengence club and shtuff! Gwyndolin from dark souls: FOOL!! Trek not passed the white light! It must never be walked upon by human feet. Me: you mean the one I just crossed? Gwyndolin: FOOL!!! I SHALL NEVER FORGIVE THEE FOR THIS TREACHERY!!! Me: no wait!! I just wanted to join your justice club!!! Gwyndolin: (shoots magical pixie dust) Me: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!