I am in Australia, and I have an xbox360 that has 15 GB (9 is used up)
Should I extend my hard drive?
Of course! How have you managed to do that for this long? I used to have the 20GB but I got the Slim 250 GB shortly after it was released.
Just download more RAM.
Modifié par Phantom Prey : 7/11/2014 9:22:02 AMI've stuck with the old school phatty style xbox elite. I've used up almost all the 120gb hard drive. I have to always delete something when I want to download another game. I don't know how you've managed with just 15 gb... Although, I have had it for about 5 years now.
Modifié par Dead account : 7/11/2014 9:06:32 AMObviously, you should have 100 Gbs minimum. PS: This should be in #Offtopic
Please do. Gotta fit Destiny and the DLC on there.