Thoughts? It looks ok to me. It's a shame it doesn't come in hatchback form anymore though. I'm sure it will perform nicely but I still prefer the older GD ones. They were more raw.
a lancé un nouveau sujet : The new Subaru Impreza WRX STI(3 commentaires))
I feel like this is relevant.
I like it as a sedan but I think a hatch would look better!
If you can't beat them, join them.
WAY better than the most recent one
Ok I've seen some reviews of this car and it looks good but it still doesn't seem as raw as the older ones.
Nice, but I want a 3 rotor engine(and AWD) for my Mazda 3. Oh, and turbo it just for the hell of it.
Meh, I'm sure it's fun to drive or ride in, but it has a look that says "I've been tamed by a society that is obsessed with modernization and making everything look sleek." In other words... [spoiler]It looks a bit boring compared to older ones.[/spoiler]
Looks too much like an evo
It looks more like a road racer than a rally car, but I can tell it'll grow on me the more I see it. I'm also not bothered by the lack of hatchback. It was cool at first, but as a rally car the hatchback is a little big for my liking.
It looks like a Focus mashed together with an Evo. The lack of a hatchback version is a dealbreaker for me.
Eh, It's kind of lost that rally car look for me. I don't know why.
Modifié par Gatsby : 1/15/2014 4:16:20 PMI can never warm to Subaru's. Looks great though. Have you seen the new Lexus RC-F? I want!
Do want
The hatchback is the only one I ever thought looked good.
Not bad at all. Looks like they've brought back classic elements from the older models.
Looks like a Focus. No more pregnant jelly bean. It's an improvement.