Fandoms are weird. They have so much power but don't tend to even go out much. They can topple conventions and meetings to see their favourite person and can make an actor cry with a million negative messages. They hate and love change as much as they hate and love villains. They're like bi-polar schizophrenics with ADHD.
I wish they would do more good than bad. The rooster teeth fan base off of the RT Site is vicious. Going so far as sending death threats to the girls who end up dating their favorite lets play RT member
Seriously? I know many members of fandoms do that kind of thing, it's not very proper behaviour. It's not like they're ever going to date the person.
They analyze the girls explaining everything wrong about them and find their blogs to spam and attack them. They begin spreading lies and attack those that ship two members when they don't agree with the ship. RT has openly joked and enjoyed the "gay porn" and gay shipping of themselves they've seen They're really good about that. But the death threats and malicious behavior from fandoms stems from tumblr sadly
Tumblr can get vicious. Twitter can get worse though from what I've seen.
What? Really? That doesn't sound like an appealing job.
I will find you
Go ahead, I don't care.
[spoiler]Im drunk :3 If I found you I'd stick a Santa hat over your face[/spoiler]