How many times have you been influenced by a fandom to watch/read/participate in something?
More times than not I have found myself swept up in the roar of a fan base's excitement to get into something new. But there are those instances when the fan content turns out to be more exciting than the actual product.
SNK (Attack on Titan) is a prime example I this. The fandom went nuts, exploding the show into something more elaborate and graceful than it really was.
Homestuck is one where the content is, on average, better than the fan base behaves.
But it isn't necessarily a bad thing for a fandom to be more enjoyable than the content. They can produce amazing art, well written fan fictions/alternate main story arches, a great community, and creative merchandise.
[spoiler]I met a blogger who wrote the most beautiful Noble Six/Halo: Reach fanfiction. She was as good, if not better, than some of the previous authors of the Halo novel series. [/spoiler]
Game of thrones was a let down Not gonna lie but Breaking Bad is pretty epic
I read "femdom" at first and got excited
You never believe the hype. If your expectations are low you can never be disappointed.
Well considering the quite literal millions of My Little Pony fanart images out there, I'm going to slap that button labeled "brony"
Fandoms are weird. They have so much power but don't tend to even go out much. They can topple conventions and meetings to see their favourite person and can make an actor cry with a million negative messages. They hate and love change as much as they hate and love villains. They're like bi-polar schizophrenics with ADHD.
Doctor Who Star Trek Star Wars Halo Universe Mass Effect Etc...
I don't think I've ever experienced "fandom". Weird
I like all of it. Some good, some bad.
I spend more time enjoying the MLP fandom's porn than I do watching the actual show.
I'm usually either late to the party, or there before it's started. That being said, I guess content would be what draws me in more than anything else.
Modifié par KilljoyDetective : 12/13/2013 2:47:42 AMLol your spoiler, I need to send you something I think... Also TL;DR [spoiler]Because I have no relevant conversation to add to this thread at all, I have no experience with fandoms. [/spoiler]
Link to fanfic? And I agree, fandoms most of the time makes something more than what it is.
Like the way I sexualize myself? It's fun to watch people cringe over such images.
I'm fine with it. But the porn stuff is just flat out weird.
Fandoms are crazy. Homestuck fandom is insane. And fandoms in hiatus are the worst. I get a few chuckles out of some of the antics that occurs and the fanart is usually pretty ok as well. The things that make me [i]hate[/i] fandoms are Original Characters. I dont give two shits about their Mary-sues. I like the content for the original cast.
The fandom of sherlock makes me embarrassed to watch it
The fandom always [i]always[/i] succeeds in driving me away from the original content. ...Uh, well, okay. [url=]The fighting game community is pretty kick-ass[/url] and that's what made me want to play them competitively. But that is IT.
Same with Attack on Titan. I loved looking at the fanart and receptions before I actually got into the show and watched all 25 episode in 7 hours.