I'm always hearing about the PC master race. Better graphics, steam, the works. I prefer consoles myself, I can play games with my friends and sit on my comfy couch. I mean, xbox has like 3 consoles so far. Obviously consoles are better if they keep making them! If the PC is so good, why haven't I seen any talk about a PC 2 yet?
Posted from IE on my Xbox One.
[spoiler]I got this joke from a stream I was watching, sorry if its old :3[/spoiler]
[quote]PC 2[/quote] Ummnm.... Steam box?
[quote]PC 2[/quote] lmfao
You never hear about a pc2 because there is no need for it. All the parts in a pc are upgradable. My friend is going to build a pc for $700 and it could play all the games on Xbox and play station no problem and more. If my friend needed to he could just upgrade the parts in his pc for less then it would cost to buy both the new ps4 and Xbox one combined especially with the sales that come during the holidays for pc parts. The only time you will hear the words "next-gen pc" or "pc2" is when quantum computers are developed because those things will blow modern day pc's out of the water.
I would like PC more if I new what all the numbers and letters meant. But I have no idea whatsoever what my computer can handle. It's a bit off-putting.
Modifié par The Random : 11/24/2013 4:00:57 PM[quote]Why is the PC so good?[/quote] -Cheaper games -More games -No online service fee -[i]Much[/i] more flexibility -Mods -Better Graphics Etc.
Let me put it this way. Steam has Red Orchestra 2 on sale for $2.50.